The memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Benedict XVI, - TopicsExpress


The memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Benedict XVI, pope from 2005 to 2013 His mother kept all these things in her heart In the New Testament we see that Marys faith, so to speak, attracts the gift of the Holy Spirit. First of all in the conception of the Son of God, a mystery that the Archangel Gabriel himself explains in this way: The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you... Marys heart, in perfect unison with the divine Son, is a temple of the Spirit of truth in which every word and every event are preserved in faith, hope and charity. We may therefore be certain that the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the whole of his hidden life in Nazareth always found in his Mothers Immaculate Heart, a hearth ever alight with prayer and with constant attention to the voice of the Spirit. The events at the Wedding at Cana are an attestation of this unique harmony between the Mother and the Son in seeking Gods will. In a situation laden with symbols of the Covenant, such as the wedding feast, the Virgin Mother intercedes and provokes, so to speak, a sign of superabundant grace: the good wine that refers to the mystery of Christs Blood. This leads us directly to Calvary, where Mary stands beneath the Cross together with the other women and with the Apostle John. The Mother and the disciple receive spiritually the testament of Jesus: his last words and his last breath, in which he begins to pour out the Spirit; and they receive the silent cry of his Blood, poured out entirely for us. Mary knew where that Blood came from: it had been formed within her by the power of the Holy Spirit and she knew that this same creative power was to raise Jesus, as he had promised. Thus Marys faith sustained that of the disciples until their encounter with the Risen Lord and continued to accompany them also after his Ascension into Heaven, as they waited for [Baptism] in the Holy Spirit... This is why, for all the generations, Mary is an image and model of the Church which together with the Spirit journeys through time, invoking Jesus glorious return: Come, Lord Jesus.
Posted on: Sun, 22 Jun 2014 23:09:31 +0000

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