The men of today need to teach boys how to be good husbands and - TopicsExpress


The men of today need to teach boys how to be good husbands and fathers by modeling that behavior to the boys. No more talking about getting drunk, how many conquests you have made in the past, looking at every pretty girl you see, make crude comments or gestures about women, and no more calling women crazy. Teach boys that girls are different and we were made to work together not against each other. Teach the boys how to fix things around the house and how to have pride in more than their cars. Take them to church. Teach them the bible. Teach them to lead their family, not by domineering and demanding but with love and patience. Teach the boys to admit fault by showing them how to admit fault. Teach them how to forgive and how to ask for forgiveness!!! Teach them how to tell the truth!! If it is not modeled by the men of this generation then the boys will never learn!! Men have lost touch with what it means to be a man. Agreeing with a woman does not mean a man is weak. Partnering with a woman does not mean a man is weak. Not standing firm in your beliefs or not having any beliefs is weak. Knowing your weaknesses as a man means you are strong. Showing your children you have faults is strong and VERY attractive, but cowering to demands of others and giving in when it interferes with family is not attractive. Working on your marriage means you are strong and brave. Leaving your marriage is weak. Shutting down emotionally is a mans weakness not strength. Which leads me to all women. Please stop doing everything for your husband, sons or brothers. Please stop encouraging these boys to do whatever they want without regard to how it might affect their family. Men need to have the confidence that they can take care of their family without looking to their mommy and then their wife for everything. Our jobs as moms/sisters/aunts/grandmas is to teach the boys how a woman thinks and how different we are but how great it is that God made us different to compliment each other. Moms/sisters do not interfere with the relationship between a dad and his son or a man and his wife. Support the fathers discipline even if you find it harsh. (I am not condoning anything that demeans or harms a child, like punching or putting a child in a trash can, but women have a tender heart and interfering makes our boys wimps and undermines the fathers authority). Do not put the father down in front of the children ever, even if he is not involved in their lives or a total creep. Teach your children that the only thing they can do is learn from their parents mistakes so they do not repeat them. Constructive criticism is always necessary in everything we do so we can learn, but if we women keep destroying the men instead of encouraging and building them up, then all these single beautiful girls out there will never find a man who is capable of taking care of a family. Lets raise the expectations for the boys of this generation. Lets ENCOURAGE all men to set the example by modeling the behavior of a boy that would be suitable for their daughter/sister/niece/mother to marry.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 15:25:30 +0000

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