The midterm election that has been dominating the news is now - TopicsExpress


The midterm election that has been dominating the news is now over, we must turn back and revisit the other problems that we as a nation must confront.Top of the list is the ebola epidemic in West Africa that still hasnt dissipated, in fact, the president is asking the lame duck session of congress to approve the funds to fight this disease not only at its source in West Africa but also to give our Homeland security department and the Centers for Disease Control the resources to stave off this killer virus from coming to our shores. ISIS is of a great concern to us also, and the world in general.They must be stopped in their tracks as soon as possible. We have two problems in the way in order to defeat ISIS, number one is the fact that the ineptitude of the Iraqi military to combat this terrorist group caught us off guard and now we must scramble and come up with new strategies to save the government in Baghdad from being overrun and toppled. Number two, we have to stop or contain ISIS in Syria....but in doing so we do not want to inadvertently help Hafez al Assad and his cronies to stay in power in Damascus. The Present incarnation of the Syrian Free Army is a joke, I do not believe that they can dislodge ISIS, nor can they displace the Assad government. President Obama had repeatedly said and vowed that minus the air operations, theres not going to be any American boots on the ground (a policy I agreed with wholeheartedly) but the situation on the ground in Syria dire, there has to be infantry and tanks on the ground to combat this terrorist group that have stretched its tentacles with superior military tacticians and communication networks in the areas they control, the Syrian Kurds, as brave as they are, would not be able to stand up to the millitary might of ISIS......So what is the solution to this dilemma? In my opinion, the president must get Egypt, the largest Arab nation in the world to get involved in stopping this cancer from spreading throughout the middle east, they must contribute ground forces to the effort and so must Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and others in the region. I believe that Turkey a NATO member state that has been lukewarm to join the fight against this terrorist group must now get involved....after all, they share common borders with both Syria and Iraq.As the president stated when he revealed his strategy to defeat ISIS, America and the allied countries, including the European Union must do their part in this war, but it is also imperative that the countries in the region do their part too to combat this scourge at their doorsteps, we are tired of being the ones who have to take care of their local home grown bullies, its time for them to man upand chart their own destiny. After all, these countries are some of the richest countries in the world with modern armies that can take care of ISIS in a week, if their leaders have the intestinal fortitude to make such a commitment under the aegis of the United Nations.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 08:20:01 +0000

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