The mind is everything. What you think you become. I thought - TopicsExpress


The mind is everything. What you think you become. I thought of these words from the Buddha a couple of weeks ago while preparing for the New Years retreat Ill lead at the Himalayan Institute at the end of the year. What you think you become... its easy to read these words, nod your head in the affirmative and then, a moment later, forget them and once again blame others or the fates for all of your suffering or simply for the pain of not having all of your wants fulfilled. While still pondering this wisdom of the Buddha, I found myself watching a video of the New Years Day lecture I gave ten months ago (below). It struck a nerve. I recommend you see it or, if you already have, you may benefit by taking another look at it. Revisiting that talk I realized that now--these next few weeks or month at the latest--is the best time to consider what, if anything, you committed to last year to be or become. In the video link, you will hear why it is important that you make these kinds of considered commitments. The point is that we all have a significant role in shaping our future and its best not to wait until December 31st to seriously consider the thoughts that will shape our best 2015. But, your thoughts are only part one of the story; part two is about gathering your resolve--your sankalpa. Of course, we should all resolve to practice, resolve to act virtuously, to be of service to others and to nurture our planet; still we will have to dig deeper if we are to realize the true purpose and meaning of our lives. It is vital that we contemplate what our highest self-interest looks like and how we can best serve it. Finding the answers to these questions is, of course, the central theme of my book, The Four Desires Book. Nonetheless, for many of us the question remains: How do I know what my highest self-interest is? The answer is found through contemplation informed by practice; moreover, from the light of wisdom that is cultivated through a dedicated and consistent practice. How will you, how will each of us, do our part to empower the world to thrive? That is the question I wish you to consider as we move into the last 2 months of 2014. And if youd like to join me at the Himalayan Institute for a very special New Years Retreat December 31, 2014 - January 4, 2015, register soon...spots are filling quickly! parayoga/events/2014/234
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 13:30:01 +0000

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