The mind reacts to ideas, and ideas are made visible in - TopicsExpress


The mind reacts to ideas, and ideas are made visible in words. Hence the holding of right words in the mind will set the mind going at a rate proportioned to the dynamic power of the idea back of the words. A word with a lazy idea back of it will not stimulate the mind or heal the body. The words must represent swift, strong spiritual ideas if they are to infuse the white energy of God into the mind. This is the kind of words that Jesus reveled in. He delighted in making great and mighty claims for His God, for Himself, for His words, and for all men: I and the Father are one. All authority hath been given unto me in heaven and on earth. My Father . . . is greater than all.Is it not written in your law, I said, ye are gods? He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do.These were some of the claims with which He stimulated His mind, and He produced the results: He fulfilled His words. He even raised the dead. But He did not copyright His words or forbid anyone else to use them. He importuned you and me to keep them as He kept them--right in His heart--to realize that this is no idle repetition of words but the setting up of a living fire in the soul that will never go out. This is what the words of Jesus will do for everybody who keeps them in the inner sanctuary of the mind. Affirmation: They will kindle a fire there that will burn higher and higher until it licks the very canopy of heaven and burns a hole in the blue vault of Truth, revealing the wonders of God to the astonished eyes of man.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 15:19:26 +0000

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