The minute people (ANY people) put themselves on a pedestal, - TopicsExpress


The minute people (ANY people) put themselves on a pedestal, feigning a holier than thou mentality, a you can dream but you cant have THIS projection or statement -- right then and there I begin turning my back...strategizing my exit. Often I wait for the mentality to surface a 2nd time (and it always does) before I finalize my withdrawal from the relationship. I cannot even count the people from my past who, at one time or another, (1) bragged about how much money they made, (2) criticized how I could not keep up with them because of that, (3) ridiculed me and alienated me because I chose advocacy for my son over material possessions and (4) talked about me condescendingly and with full-on judgment behind my back while they smiled to my face. Now, these many years of experience later -- looking back on all that in a hindsight is 20-20 kind of realization, I have lived to see EVERY ONE of those individuals from that portion of my past come to reap lives, in one way or another, brought them to their knees...left them in financial distress, physical or health duress -- or emotionally incapacitated. I never WISHED it on them, but I have to say the word karma popped into my mind albeit briefly, on all accounts...along with a welcome to my former world afterthought. After all, I am nothing if not human. We dont forget the hurt that many inflict on us in their words and deeds...but we SHOULD forgive and go forward. Those experiences are opportunities for learning -- for growth. Heres to us ALL approaching each day with humility and gratitude -- in touch with this short-lived reality we all call Life. I have made a very conscious decision to be surrounded by people I respect, admire and after whom I want to pattern myself/improve myself in one capacity or another...from all areas of life and age groups. I wish that for so many others -- because the difference that quality human interaction makes in our lives simply cannot be overemphasized. And hey -- I dont quote many Bible verses, but when I do, I mean it: JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED. Glass houses/big & small rocks -- you know what Im talkin about!
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 23:29:01 +0000

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