The moment people thinks Dr Chua is on the lower hand now is the - TopicsExpress


The moment people thinks Dr Chua is on the lower hand now is the moment that I will be celebrating. No 1 : Just an ordinary EXCO leader in Johor contesting with all MCA national heavyweight and minister to be the highest voted in MCA Vice President in his first attempt from just a division chief No 2: Dr Chua from being an ordinary member and the least popular leader who take on Donald Lim Siang Chai and Ong Ka Chuan ( a minister at that time ) to win MCA Deputy President position. No 3 : Again being the least popular where every single media rule out his possibility of winning the MCA Presidential 3 corner fight end up he defeated 2 former MCA President in that race. Not even a single MCA top general or CC dare to be associated with him that time. He did it alone by himself against the entire party Machinery , State and Divisions Chief and Party Central Committee. No 4 : After 505 , his political opponent uses all the entire MCA veterans and his generals to pressure Dr Chua to step down. They even try to build a momentum to table a vote of no confidence if Dr Chua refuse to fall into their demands . In the end , Dr Chua silently came back with a big surprise to shock the entire world again when more than 65% of his people won in the latest divisional election. No 5 : If you study political stats then you will realized that Dr Chua will never have less than 900 votes of supports ( core supporters that will never change or swing ). Previous MCA EGM he manage to get 921 to sign to table a vote of no confidence against Ong Tee Keat. Then won the 3 corner fight Presidency with 901 votes . Today resolution 1 he did it again with 965 votes . Liow supporters can swing anytime according to sentiments , emotions and circumstance while Dr Chua will be having a min 900 of strong hardcore supporters that will never swing no matter what happen. ( it had been proven again and again ). No 6 : Many was saying Dr Chua will never did it in a 1 on 1 battle but if we analyze Dr Chua proxy Datuk Kong Cho Ha manage to get 1106 vs Liow 1171. A proxy that ride on his grassroots only to lose by 65 votes. Is just like Lee Chong Wei proxy lost to Taufik Hidayat in a very close fight . If just like Lee Chong Wei personally himself inside the court the the game will be another different game. No 7 : Liow is fast to tap on the morale victory but forgotten that in a real political analytical research then he is losing out in 3 out of 4 resolution. Resolution 2 is an example of what it mean by Liow supporters is not strong solid supporters where it can be swing anytime when Dr Chua camp successfully voted out resolution 2 in a 1090 vs 1080 battle. A decreases of 110 supporters from his 1190 in resolution 1. While Dr Chua increases 125 votes from 965 in resolution 1 to 1090 in resolution 2. When resolution 2 is voted out then it is already a checkmate to Liow Generals like Wee Ka Siong , Ong Ka Chuan , Wee Jack Sheng and even Liow himself to be inside the cabinet. As for resolution 3 and 4 , Dr Chua is still having the extra poker chips in his hand to leverage out his strength when he have the power to appoint up to hundreds to thousands of State EXCO , GLC directors , Local Council and Village Chief in resolution 3 and 4 as the current President of MCA. No 8 : In the earlier battle Dr Chua already checkmate 65% of Liow people in the divisional election. Even 2 of Liow closes MCA CC comrades like Lee Wei Keat and Hou Kok Chung loses their bid to even get a Central Delegate pass to contest or even to vote for any position for the upcoming battle. No 9 : History had again proven again and again where Dr Chua magical show works best when he is under pressure to win the unimaginable battle. That why I chose to defer SEDAR political analysis Khoo Kay Peng when he rule out the possibility that Dr Chua is already checkmated by Liow before the real race even started. Moreover , it was Khoo Kay Peng who predicted MCA under Dr Chua will never win more than 5 seats and even the possibility of getting zero for 13 GE and Dr Chua again did it by winning up to 7 parliamentary seats. For Liow camps after the EGM the war had ended but for Dr Chua camp the real war just begins. No 10 : Dr Chua loves to put himself in the position of Muhammad Ali vs George Foreman position . Look at how Muhammad Ali taunt George Foreman to forward all his punches and attacks against him and continue dominating the game to let the whole world shows how George Foreman is going to destroy him for the 1- 7 rounds of the boxing match . That means George Foreman is leading in the ring but Ali is dominating and controlling it when he dictate his opponents to fight the way that he wanted. Just before the end of 8 rounds ? Muhammad Ali just knock out George Foreman with 1 punch in the greatest boxing match in the history. ( go and google more about it ). The moment whoever thinks Dr Chua is dead is the moment they must start to plan for their own wake service - SYA Metaphor Quote Nai Kwong Koh Ben Lim Chong Jimmy CHris YOw KW Fong Court Margaret Keluarga Ch Khaw Ho Siew Choon John Ooi Paul Lee
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 22:54:26 +0000

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