The moment you came to Jesus for salvation, He gave you His rest, - TopicsExpress


The moment you came to Jesus for salvation, He gave you His rest, and you stepped into God’s rest. A life without Jesus is full of Unrest, and a life without God’s grace is full of Disgrace. want to know more? Then continue reading. #treasuresoflife Tuesday, 2nd December GRACE AND REST! “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you REST. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find REST unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30) Have you observed that the word “Rest” is repeated twice in this message of our Lord Jesus Christ! Was He emphasizing a life of rest for us His beloved? First He says, Come and I will give you Rest! For some Christians, they think He said, “Come and I will give you unrest”, because they really have not believed! Don’t be a Christian who does not believe the Word of God. Be a Believing-Believer! Believe what God says in all its simplicity and live accordingly. The Master said, ‘Come and I will give you Rest’. That means, the moment you came to Jesus for salvation, He gave you His rest, and you stepped into God’s rest. A life without Jesus is full of Unrest, and a life without God’s grace is full of Disgrace. And if you have come into God’s resting place which is Christ, then your days of unrest and disgrace are ended! Nothing should ever interrupt your rest anymore! No devil, sickness or situation has enough power to disgrace you when you stay in Grace! Because the moment you stepped in, you stepped up! The Bible declares in Hebrews 4:3 that we who believe today have entered into God’s rest, for the works of grace were finished before the foundations of the world. Hallelujah! When you encounter any challenge today, remember—the works were finished! That thing has already been dealt with. Nothing should scare you any more. The works were finished! Today is your day of grace and rest. And your key to accessing the provisions of grace is—Believing, believing what God has said! For grace has taken you into rest. Therefore cease from every work of unbelief or unrest, and let your heart and mind be occupied with believing God’s word concerning every situation of your life. Enjoy a life of Grace and Rest! Prayer: Holy Father, I praise you today! For mighty is your grace that has changed my life. Today I live a life of complete rest, and I function from rest all the time because I’m aware that the works were finished before the foundations of the world. Indeed, I have stepped into grace and I have stepped up through rest. Hallelujah! Further Insight: Hebrews 4:1-12 Study Plan: Psalms 49-52
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 07:06:55 +0000

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