The moment you find out you are having multiples can be scary, - TopicsExpress


The moment you find out you are having multiples can be scary, shocking and mostly exciting. Whether planned or unplanned there is something magical about twins and triplets. Most people find out they are having multiples and a million thoughts run through their heads: Will they need a bigger car? How do they manage to feed two or three babies at the same time? Where will they fit them in the house? It is only when their beautiful babies arrive that reality sets in and the hard work (and it is hard work) that is being a parent of multiples begins. And as any parent of multiples quickly learns, even though they were born on the same day, they are two (three or four) very unique individuals. New Zealand Multiple Birth Awareness week commences the 3rd of November and this year the New Zealand Multiple Birth Association (NZMBA) and Multiple Birth Clubs nationwide will be focusing on Celebrating the Individual. “This years theme of Celebrating the Individual is a way of acknowledging that even though our children may look exactly alike, or were born on the same day, they have their own likes and dislikes, personality traits and funny quirks which makes them who they are and defines them as separate individuals” said NZMBA President, Carolyn Lister. The NZMBA is the national body that represents 21 local Multiple Birth Clubs, consisting of over 1500 families throughout New Zealand. The Association aims to provide education, support and advocacy to families of multiples, by providing guidance and resources to their local multiple birth clubs and via the NZMBA website. Events celebrating New Zealand Multiple Birth Awareness week will be run throughout the country from Sunday the 3rd of November through to Sunday the 10th of November. Go to our Events page for more information.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 10:09:47 +0000

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