The month I lost my innocence. June 2014 was full of happy - TopicsExpress


The month I lost my innocence. June 2014 was full of happy things, I was in my daughter`s university graduation ceremony, my other daughter Tal finished high school with distinction. I took a short vacation in Tel Aviv and in the end of the month my cousin Barbra came to visit after 28 years we didn`t meet. The only thing clouding it was the kidnapping of the 3 boys and their murder later on, and then the kidnapping of the Arab boy and his murder. And then… the damn war that was forced upon us and on the Gaza civilians started by Hammas. After 14 years of missiles shooting to the southern Israeli people, they started to shoot missiles everywhere in an unbelievable rate. All of our lives became hell. A country that carves human life upon its flag must defend her civilians first and foremost and so have they done in this case. Unfortunately Hammas shot from schools, hospitals, masques and so on, and caused it people to be human shields. The IDF had to shoot from the air but the missiles shooting didn`t stop. We tried in all our power not to enter with ground forces in order to minimize the losses but the shooting didn`t stop. Upon ground entry many tunnels were revealed, that very little was known about them but no one expected that there is in fact an underground city beneath Gaza, that it mere purpose was to enter Israel, when time`s come (the prisoners says the operation was planned to the Jewish new year`s eve) and kill and kidnap many of Israel`s civilians. Unfortunately this underground city was built especially under settled houses, schools, clinics and mosques, the same pattern that meant to show how much Israel is cruel on the expanse of miserable people that use in their death as propaganda tools to the blood thirsty terrorists of Hammas. Of course that as a nation that protects its people we had to find all the tunnels, to the very last of them, and the price, because of that same blood thirsty organization, was heavy. And that`s it. My innocence was lost. Facebook, that is a wonderful device on regular days, made me open my eyes with astonishment. Yeah, yeah, as always they succeed in putting us in a bad light even though top military people from the west armies attest that the IDF is the most moral army there is. Before every terror site attack they give plenty of time for civilians to evacuate, but Hammas is forcefully returning them back to the roofs. As usual, human lives have no value, the photo is much more important. There are many videos to show it. And here I am, finding myself grieving, like any one of us, for every soldier that is killed in this war they didn`t want to go to, wishing every wounded soldier to get well soon, and furious… furious about the world falling for the traps Hammas is setting to it. I was shocked to see a demonstration in Gaza against Hammas that resulted in 20 people being executed, but that`s probably not that interesting news. Humanitarian cease fires being violated by Hammas are also not that interesting. People being massacred in Syria systematically – just last week over 1000 people were killed and the murderers hands are still outreached. As well in other Islamic countries in the middle east where people are killed without any reason or purpose. Unfortunately, with all the pain, people in Gaza are killed because of the murderous ways of Hammas, and a country that tries to defend itself and minimize losses is the one that `s getting all the fire and the bad criticism from the world. As I said I lost my innocence. As one that`s avoided from political issues here I felt like many others to explain our side (but even today I will not post the horrific photos and videos). I felt that the lies and crimes of Hammas should be explained. For example the photo of allegedly Gaza before and after the bombing – the photo before is my birth city Haifa and you can even see my house in the photo where I grew up. Some other photos of dead or wounded babies and children, some of them were from terror attacks here in Israel, some from Syria, and many other places. I felt a need to explain the blockade. The same one that was forced on them so they couldn`t bring in all the cement and building materials to build the damn tunnels. Israel itself provides these materials to Gaza and get, as a thank you, terror tunnels straight to its homes. I thought to myself, how can it be that people in this world don`t know that Egypt also have a border with Gaza and there is also a blockade over there? But no missile will fall there because there is no way Gaza will remain in place after that. I wonder of people in this world knows that Israel provides water and electricity to Gaza, and their debt is above Billion shekels. I don`t know if people knows that Israel built clinics to the Gaza civilians. I lost my innocence because I saw here people that were considered to be good friends, attacking Israel like there were never missiles and tunnels. I saw people here that I never thought will seed hate in their children doing it very well. I lost my innocence when I saw people who doesn`t even understands the history of this place screaming to free Palestine. There was never a country called Palestine. In 1984 the UN voted on setting a Jewish country in some of the land, but whoever didn`t want us opened with the independent war and refused to accept their defeat. This also happened on the six days war, and when we had to return the areas we had to take, the shooting stared from these same areas. Yeah yeah, I lost my innocence, I grief over it bitterly. Hoping someday I will get a spark of it back. Hoping so.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 18:41:17 +0000

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