The moon passed into brilliant Aquarius today giving us a chance - TopicsExpress


The moon passed into brilliant Aquarius today giving us a chance to step back from our anxieties and a couple of troubling scenarios. While this is going on, the moon links up with the sun and Venus in peaceful libra, giving us the logic and patience to figure out why we keep tripping up relations with friends and lovers. Of course misty Neptune snake charms Venus, clouding our newfound awareness and making us feel vaguely unsettled. Saturday the sun crosses intense Pluto creating complications in the heart department and undermining our confidence. Then Saturn and Venus make an odd aspect that keeps satisfaction and pleasure just out of arms reach. The Aquarius moon also gets prodded by stern Saturn making us withdraw more into our heads when what we need is to reach out to friends and other like-minded souls. Of course mercury the messenger is about to station retrograde in the sign of Scorpio so for 3 weeks well back peddling mentally. Special note, hold off on major purchases and computer upgrades until the end of the month. Go through old stuff twice and chuck what u dont need and review everything. The next three weeks is great for catching up with old friends and loved ones. Take a trip down memory lane. Here is Aquarius Tricky.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 02:12:47 +0000

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