The moral and political bankruptcy [Analysis] . By K. Q . - TopicsExpress


The moral and political bankruptcy [Analysis] . By K. Q . Syria Times. 30/11/2014 It is ironic that the countries which claim to fight against terrorism do not abide by international resolutions, particularly those calling for shutting down the sources of funding and arming of the terrorists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The Security Council’s resolutions 2170 and 2178 provide for halting all kinds of financial and military support for any terrorist organizations. It is extremely important to implement the UN Security Council resolutions Nos. 2170 and 2178 about taking the necessary measures to fight terrorism and dry out its sources. If the US and its regional and Arab followers really want to counter terrorism and implement the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council Nos. 1373, 2170 and 2178, the road is very clear and Damascus is the address, because Syria has been fighting against terrorism for about four years. Syria’s enemies in the West and region have no choice but to admit that the heroic steadfastness of the Syrian people in the face of the terrorist war has foiled the American Zionist plans and undermined the sinister conspiracy hatched against Syria and the region as a whole. The Western leaders don’t have the courage to admit the mistake they committed and media fabrication which they practiced in various directions to justify their role in the killing and destruction in Syria, Iraq and Libya. The entire world must learn from Damascus how it has combated terrorism and remained steadfast and how it has kept terrorism’s danger away from the nations of the world and preserved the dignity and sovereignty of Syria in confrontation of the takfiri armed groups. The lie of the so-called “moderate opposition” will not be believed by the European nations anymore. The takfiri mentality which has been supported and nurtured by the Saudi regime has been the main basis of al-Qaeda and its branches. Many Western officials and intellectuals in the world have exposed the terrorist Western policies against Syria and their destructive effect on the world and on Europe itself. Fear has become notable in the statements of the Western officials who provided a shy description of the dangers of terrorism in Syria and Iraq which is totally different from what they have been promoting using all forms of distorting the facts of what is taking place in reality. The moral and political bankruptcy of the Western states, who thought that they have controlled the capabilities of the world since the end of what they called the “Cold War”, has made the world a hostage to a single pole which imposes its hegemony on the world as a whole to serve the West’s interests and institutions. This has undermined the credibility of the international organizations which have become a tool for implementing the Western approaches in different domains. In spite of the fact that the West have admitted very late that Syria and Iraq are facing terrorism, yet they are still hiding the second half of the truth which is their lack of courage to define who arms, harbors, finances and trains terrorists. It is impossible to believe that the Western intelligence apparatus don’t know those terrorists and their intentions, and the terrorist role played by the Turkish, Qatari and Saudi governments which arm and finance them to kill the Syrians, Iraqis, Egyptians and Libyans. The US-led coalition against terrorism is a mere publicity stunt, knowing that Russia and China have been excluded from it. Syria, which has been subject to terrorism for four years, has been excluded, too. The Western media seeks to mislead public opinion about the situation in Syria to cover their heinous acts against Syria and the region. The Syrian people are determined to achieve victory and defeat all conspiracies and challenges facing their sovereignty.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 03:15:08 +0000

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