The moral of this story is that ‘a knob in the hand is worth two - TopicsExpress


The moral of this story is that ‘a knob in the hand is worth two knobs in the bush’!! Bear with me and please read on….. One final word on the referendum I promise but its important as a nation that we don’t make the biggest mistake of our lives by voting yes on polling day. Firstly apologies for even getting involved in the debate via this medium but im tired of the Yes campaign trying to rail road and harass you into thinking that to vote Yes is in our national interests when it will be an economic disaster for us and the rest of the UK for that matter. To cut it back to basics I don’t want a pompous twat from Eton that was born with a silver dildo up his rectum running our country anymore than the rest of you, but that said neither do I want Ronald Mcdonald and the 7 twats running things either. All politicians are a shower of lying, thieving, conniving, self motivated barstewards - they are all full of shite and wouldn’t last 5 minutes in the real world hence why they are politicians. To think that Ronald (aka Merlin the Magician) is going to create the panacea we all dream of is complete nonsense. I had a quick look at the SNP White Paper and in general terms it’s as follows; The creation of another quadrillion or so public sector jobs, more benefits for everybody, free air, free Charlie Nicolas perms for all of those born in the halcyon era and stud earrings (please note gold plated only due to tough economic times).....cheesus Brian Conlon and Mark Garden carried it off so well, free ginger wigs to all males with receding hairlines in excess of 2 centimetres (Winky u have lucked out I would suggest a yes vote is ideal for u!) free Bon Bons to the over 80s (unfortunately strawberry flavour only – given the factory will have to close down half of its production capability post independence given the severity of the recession that we will have to endure), free Haggis flavour lollipops - limited to 2 per day, per family and not available to anyone that does not sing the new national anthem Welcome to Utopia every morning, decommissioning costs – pennies who cares….you name it, its all free, everything and anything, in the words of Merlin ‘tell me as the voter what you want to hear I promise I will say it and then ultimately fail to deliver on my promise….in the words of the child catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang – ‘all free today’ Make no mistake im bloody proud to be a Scotsman but if it looks to good to be true then its probably too good to be true, unfortunately you get very little for free in this life so all Alex Salmonds mystical, magical economic predictions are complete fricken bullshite, all the freebies have to be paid for. Now im sorry but the ever dwindling North Sea oil revenues being extracted at significant additional cost will not sustain our country for too long and then what…never mind the currency issues....... Merlin is the master politician and he has taken us for us ride, unfortunately for him and he knows it too!!! he has ridden Pegasus too far, he knows as well as any of the other economists out there that have expressed their opinion that Scotland stands a significantly better chance of prospering as part of the UK than it does on a stand alone basis. He has played on the back of nationalist fervour and deep down he is shitting himself that we might actually make the mistake and vote yes because he knows that we will really struggle and he will be the most hated man on planet scotland or Planet Zorb or wherever he is from. We all hate the Eton elite that manage our affairs from Westminster. They are completely out of touch and have never done a real days work in their puff but the reality is that the alternative is significantly worse and the risks worryingly at this stage are unquantifiable, what we do know is that they are Dyer (sorry bud x) !! If you want stability, job security, continued economic growth and significantly better prospects for your future I would suggest that you consider voting No. If you want a recession, want less job security, to take on the currency risk, the risk of higher taxes I would suggest you consider voting Yes. I hope beyond hope that on the day the majority of people vote No for the good of the country. One thing for sure don’t vote yes on the basis of the vitriol that emanates from some or on the back of the nationalist fervour, or on the basis you think that they are all a shower of knobs at Westminster because the reality is that if you vote Yes it will simply be a case of a different bunch of knobs running the country but with significantly less cash available to them to run it properly – when you enter the voting booth, before casting your vote, just remember the words of Robbie Burns ‘a knob in the hand is worth two knobs in the bush’!! On a slightly more serious note some quotes from Mark Carney Governor of The Bank of England aka The Man (quite literally the Governor) when it comes to UK Economics and some other independent sources, I would like to think that even the nationalists would listen to their comments but who would bloody know they dont listen to anyone else....lets hope you can see sense before its too late.......quote by Mark Carney in the Times today...... The uk and an independent scotland are incompatible with sovereignty i.e he opposes sharing the pound A yes vote will lead to a cataclysmic shock Quote from Jordan Rochester strategist at Numora Japans largest bank; We could see a lot of money being pulled out of UK investments. Sterling could fall by at least 15 percent in a worst case scenario. These are scary times Quote from a chief executive of a UK based bank that wanted to remain anonymous; It is likely that some lenders will stop doing business with Scotland Quotes from Credit Suisse investment bank; Billions of pounds will flood out of Scotland and lead to a deep recession if the nation votes for independence The scale of the financial calamity that would befall scotland after a yes vote could force the Bank of England to step in to stabilise the new state, with English taxpayers money effectively used to guarantee scottish bank deposits A new independent central bank of scotland would not have the reserves available to provide a credible deposit guarantee scheme Senior bankers admit that a vote for independence would probably see not just ordinary savers pulling their money out of scotland based banks such as Lloyds and rbs but more importantly big companies pulling money out and putting it with lenders in England i.e there could be a run on the banks. Scotlands commercial property market has virtually ground to a halt with the few deals that are being done with exit clauses being entered into the contracts in the event of a yes vote. According to Brussels Scotland would have to depend on England to negotiate its european membership after a yes vote. Scotland I wish you well, stand proud and scottish and please for gods sake vote No for the good of our nation!!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 18:18:10 +0000

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