The more I get into the Word and THINK in the light of grace and - TopicsExpress


The more I get into the Word and THINK in the light of grace and the good news of Jesus Christ, Im amazed at the grasshopper complex some preachers have created in their own people. I am amazed at the grasshopper complex and grasshopper teachings some so easily embrace and stay under. What the Father did in our creation and what He did in our re-creation in Christ is SPECTACULAR, SUPERIOR and SENSATIONAL!! We are to hold it in HIGHEST REGARD. Regrettably, some are not! Why is there constantly pinpointing of the faults in the flesh? Why is something always wrong? Why is there something always to fix? Why is there a constant beating down instead of lifting up? Why are we not celebrating more? Is being COMPLETE IN CHRIST real and authentic? Is being a NEW CREATION too good to be true? Is the OUTSTANDING GRACE the Apostle Paul talks about too outlandish for one to truly embrace? Is it easier to have the slave mentality...murmur, complain and speak negative like our Hebrew forefathers did which prevented them from entering into the promised land? I wonder if there is more enjoyment focusing on our issues more than the RESTORATION TO FAVOR and DELIVERANCE that has ALREADY TAKEN PLACE because of the Cross? Conclusion: Are you really convinced of the good news? Or are you still in Kadesh-Barnea looking at all thats wrong in the world, in yourself and others? If this is you, I beg you by the mercies of God stop cursing the light and celebrating the darkness...stop focusing on the negatives in the world, yourself and others and embrace the beauty of Jesus death, burial, and RESURRECTION!! (He did get up ya know) Lol!! Lets celebrate His ascension, seating and His dynamic ministry towards us TODAY!! (Hes your High Priest for a reason)....singing oh Jesus...oh Jesus...oh....Your presence is heaven to me....
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 13:26:27 +0000

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