The more clients I see the more I realise how confused everyone - TopicsExpress


The more clients I see the more I realise how confused everyone STILL is. Here I was naively thinking most people had made the leap from many conventional beliefs over to a more common sense, natural, whole-food approach. Unfortunately Im wrong. People are still confused as ever, so Ill share away. Authority Nutrition write some great little summaries debunking some common myths, that mostly align with the Eatwise philosophy. Eat your fats, reduce unnecessary carbohydrates, eat your eggs AND the yolks - no they wont clog your arteries and yes a few or more a day is fine, eat the entire animal - including organs and bones (broth), dont eat margarine or cereals, avoid processed foods, eat as many vegetables as you can, get some fermented food into that tummy - it will love you, if you eat dairy - eat full fat and choose unhomogenised or source a safe raw milk, eat some nuts/seeds, base your fresh fruit intake on your body composition and training needs, and yes a little green juice is fine but dont be fooled by the hype surrounding it - juicing whole foods for health reasons makes as much sense as refining whole grains for health reasons a quote from the Whole9 crew that will no doubt cause a little dispute. Simple! Even better, grow as much of it as you can - or support local farmers & growers. Spend the moolah with those making an effort and ultimately improving our health in the long run. J x
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 08:15:01 +0000

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