The more contact you make with your soul, the more the soul will - TopicsExpress


The more contact you make with your soul, the more the soul will infuse your personality. What are the advantages? Your soul mission becomes clear. You commit to your soul mission and take the first steps toward living it. Your soul takes you in hand, guides, and trains you. Ideas for action arise from your soul; they prove true and reliable. These ideas are conveyed by a quiet inner voice, an intuition, or a strong urge to act. As well, there are clues for what to do which you learn to recognize and follow. You are guided to situations, information, and people who help you fulfill your mission. When you complete one mission, you will be guided to the next. You are amazed! Your soul knows things you have no way of knowing. Your life becomes an adventure; you are taking steps into the unknown. You become humble; you depend on guidance from your soul. You become strong; if you are asked to do something that challenges you, help is present. Increasingly, your soul directs your life. You meet your soul group; you carry a piece of the puzzle for work you will do together. You implement a small part of a great plan that lives in the mind of the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Masters of Wisdom who oversee the wellbeing of our planet. You are grateful. ~ Carola Arcadia ~
Posted on: Sun, 02 Jun 2013 13:56:54 +0000

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