The moringa tree project is located in bomet county in Kenya .is - TopicsExpress


The moringa tree project is located in bomet county in Kenya .is a sustainable approach to combating poverty, malnutrition and environmental degradation in Kenya. This nutrient-rich miracle tree, grown by the local village Environmental Mau women’s farmers’ organization (MWFO), provides social enterprise opportunities for rural womens cooperatives. The sale of the fruit, leaves, and pods - for food, cooking oil, cattle feed, and bio-fuel - fosters economic development and generates income for rural villagers. Villages in Kenya struggle every day to combat a variety of societal challenges, each an integral component to the healthy growth of communities. These issues include poverty, malnutrition, deforestation, land degradation, a lack of employment opportunities, and insufficient educational funding for vulnerable children Moringa Leaves Medicinal uses and benefits • Leaves rubbed against the temple can relieve headaches. • To stop bleeding from a shallow cut, apply a poultice of fresh leaves. • There is an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effect when applied to wounds or insect bites. • Extracts can be used against bacterial or fungal skin complaints. • Leaf tea treats gastric ulcers and diarrhoea. • Eating Moringa food products is good for those suffering from malnutrition due to the high protein and fibre content. * Leaves treat fevers, bronchitis, eye and ear infections, inflammation of the mucus membrane * The iron content of the leaves is high, and they are reportedly prescribed for anemia in the Philippines. * Dried Moringa leaves treat diarrhoea in Malawi, Africa. * The powder ground from the seeds is also used in the treatment of scurvy skin diseases (common bacterial infections of the skin). Moringa roots, bark and gum Medicinal uses and benefits The roots and the bark have all of the properties described above but are more concentrated. Therefore much more care should be taken if using them as medicines. * The roots and bark are used for cardiac and circulatory problems, as a tonic and for inflammation. The bark is an appetizer and digestive. * In Senegal and India, roots are pounded and mixed with salt to make a poultice for treating rheumatism and articulars pains. In Senegal, this poultice is also used to relieve lower back or kidney pain • Fodder-branches * The alkaloid spirachin (a nerve paralysant) has been found in the roots. * The gum is diuretic, astringent and abortifacient and is used against asthma. Moringa & Ayurveda Medicinal uses and benefits Uses every part of the Moringa Tree and considers it one of the most valuable and useful plants. The ayurvedic medicine of India has many uses for Moringa Tree products, such as a natural antibiotic, an aid in childbirth, for treating liver disorders, and many other uses.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 07:47:07 +0000

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