The morning worship sermon was about Reaping a glorious harvest - TopicsExpress


The morning worship sermon was about Reaping a glorious harvest Galatians 6:7 Do not be fooled: You cannot cheat God. People harvest only what they plant. Weve all heard the saying You reap what you sow and if you wondered yes it is Biblical. The word sow is used 52 times in the New Testament. Pastor Kent shared the 6 Laws of Reaping/Harvesting. 1) One sows another reaps (whether good or bad) ~ Ex 20:5 2) Reap only what has been sown. ~ Job 4:8 3) Reap in a different season ~ you will not see the results of your sowing right away. 4)Reap more then you sow. ~ 2Corinthians 9:6 5)Reap in proportion to what you sow ~ 1 Thessalonians 2:10 6)Field is not done just because you are done sowing. In the book The Rise and Fall of the Roman Government 5 things are listed that is what caused the fall, our society is currently experience the same issues. 1)Rapid increase in divorce 2)Higher and higher taxes 3) Mad crazed for pleasure(s) 4)Building huge armies to battle our enemies 5)Decay of our religion. We also sang the song I have decided to follow Jesus. Pastor Kent told us the story behind the song. A man in a muslim tribe had found Jesus and had been asked by the Chief to come and share about Jesus with the tribe members but when he arrived they had his family bound. After each time they asked him to denounce Jesus and he said no his children and wife were killed. The also eventually killed him. When the Chief began to think that if this man was willing to give his life and the lives of his family for Jesus maybe he should study about Christ. He and the entire village where converted to Christianity. Thank you to all those who were able to join us for our Sunday evening of Breaking Bread & fellowship. Next months them will be Bring your very Best ~~Erin~~
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 03:05:27 +0000

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