The most deadly aspect regarding guns is the attitude, which didnt - TopicsExpress


The most deadly aspect regarding guns is the attitude, which didnt exist in earlier years. Where I grew up almost every house had a gun, except mine. Those guns were used primarily for hunting, with the occasional drunk shooting up a bar, though the favorite gun story of my youth was the cop in Minersville who wanted a group of young people to disperse from a downtown corner, and motivated them by pulling out his service revolver and firing a warning shot over their heads. Of course, what goes up, must come down...into a womans bathroom further up on Sunbury Street. Guns are tools, to be used by competent hunters to provide sustenance, or to provide protection such as illustrated in To Kill A Mockingbird by shooting a rabid dog. They are not fashion accessories. They are not the proper way to conclude an argument. They are tools, deadly tools, and should be approached with the proper respect. There is no rational reason to have an automatic or semi-automatic weapon in ones personal possession. If there is a perceived need for protection in the home there is nothing better than a double-gauge shotgun, and those who recognize the sound of one being shut after loading know it is time to get out of Dodge. A pistol in the home is an accident waiting to happen, or a bonus for a burglar, to be quickly re-sold on the street. It is a sad fantasy to believe it would be protection from government overreach. And it is a sad reality that police, who once went years without reaching for their gun, now rely on the use of their weapon routinely. The attitude that guns are acceptably must be changed, the reality that guns are commonplace must be changed. Otherwise, you have a societal suicide pact.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 08:23:01 +0000

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