The most important task of any government, elected or dynastic, is - TopicsExpress


The most important task of any government, elected or dynastic, is to protect the lives and properties of its citizens. Why should citizens pay taxes if their lives and properties do not get protected by the state? It is therefore the primary task of our present government to do its best to get our nationals out of Iraq in turmoil. It is a good sign that governments efforts are resulting in some success, Great. Please note nurses of Kerala in Mosil are as important as Deyyani Khobargade. We expect the government to be more proactive for common honest citizens interest than a reserved category diplomat involved in shady activities. Likewise we expect lives and properties of Kashmiri Hindus to be protected in India, in Kashmir or any where in the world. We must as a nation ensure that all the displaced Kashmiri Hindus return to their homeland and have a secure home there. The ethnic cleansing done for decades by terrorists and their fellow travelers in the name of a religion has to be undone. This is the true test of our nations secular credentials. Appeasing of minorities is not secularism. Fighting intolerance in the name of religion is secularism. Kashmir Hindus have been driven out of their homes is in it self a disgrace and all the present day opposition against their return to Kashmir by religious leaders in Kashmir is against secularism is an insult to this disgrace. Moreover secularism is in our Preamble of the Constitution. Article 370 is not, it is one of the hundreds of articles. It is a shame that there are religious netas in Jammu and Kashmir with extra territorial loyalties across the LOC who are opposed to displaced Kashmiri Hindus returning to their homeland. And at the same time the same people advocate Bangladeshi infiltrators to have the right to remain in India and continue their criminal activities, Today is the 4th of July, Americas Independence Day. That nation has the best record for defending the lives and properties of its citizens. They punished all who attacked Americans. From Pearl Harbour to Abbotabad it is the nations resolve to go after the enemies of its citizens and bring them to justice that has to be praised today. India should also bring all its enemies to justice and ensure that no power on earth should take Indians as sitting ducks.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 10:52:08 +0000

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