The most profound thing Ive read all year said by a fellow human I - TopicsExpress


The most profound thing Ive read all year said by a fellow human I love! In my opinion you also have blinders and tunnel vision. The problem here is the entire country has been force fed political rhetoric designed to separate us. Fundamentally, we are all the same. We want to love and be loved. We want our lives to have purpose and meaning. We want our children to be happy, healthy and well cared for. That being said, you and I sit here and engage in this useless drivel over guns while the military complex continues to deprive countless millions of people basic human rights. I can not stand religion, politics, greed, the concept of power and position, judgement...the list goes on. Something that just flat out pisses me off is you feel compelled to vilify me and look at our communication as some kind of contest...there is no winner or loser, we are all in this together. I tell you tend to your own back yard and I will tend to mine.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 16:43:11 +0000

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