The most troubling factor is that I have no idea how seriously we - TopicsExpress


The most troubling factor is that I have no idea how seriously we should be taking this. Wtf is livefreenatural. Did Harvard really release this study? Even if they did, how do we know its legit? Who even REALLY knows wtf Monsanto is actually up to? Have u worked there? Do u know their CEO? If you dont work on Capitol Hill the reality is you probably dont know much of anything without a shadow of a doubt. And if u do work on Capitol Hill I dont think I trust you anyway. (Im sure u stopped trusting yourself & everyone around u a long time ago). This is potentially how were all gonna go out. No one knowing anything, all the wires crossed so bad no one can see their own hands in front of their own faces. Marx was right. Debord was right. The manipulation is complete. And we have ourselves to thank. Our apathy. Our vanity. Our laziness and recklessness. And hey, to whoevers reading this, I know, I know, were probably thinking the same thing: this is one dark / paranoid post. Maybe it is. Its easier to dismiss these kind of queries isnt it? Just as its easier to go back to watching Netflix than it would be to embarrass ones self (like Im arguably doing now) by speaking up about things like this that are so over the top f*cked that they may literally kill our species and possibly planet Earth at large. Reality check: The polar ice caps ARE melting / have melted. Sea levels are rising, not at some undetermined point in the future, but NOW. The Bees are dying. Species are going extinct at an alarming rate. People far smarter than you or I have predicted global food shortages that will be catastrophic--and again, not at some undetermined time in the distant future, but soon. Im in California right now. One of the dryest years on record. Everyday I drive by a sign that ominously reads: SERIOUS DROUGHT. SAVE WATER. It makes me feel like Im in a Don Delillo novel. Which is to say that it freaks me out, and then I go back to my ridiculous life. Trying to get blog posts about a song I wrote thats an entertaining distraction at best. The truth is Im not particularly suited to tackle these kinds of issues. Im a too sensitive for my own good artist type. Not really designed to square off against psychopathic corporate greed officers who could convince me to leave the room the moment I sensed their very presence. But hey, what I can do is this. I can call the bullsh*t out. Yeah its on FB so who cares yada yada, but at least Im making an effort to contribute to the conversation. Ive been reading the NYTimes regularly for the first time in a few years and I swear to God it is the most depressing, scary, disturbing sh*t ever. Seems like every article ends with the writer saying something like everything seems to be getting worse, and no one seems to be doing anything about it. I see it all around me, and Im as guilty as anybody. What the answer is I have no idea. Thats whats so disheartening. Clearly we need action. To my loved friends who are gonna say: oh you have to think positively and then good things will happen--that seems like a great way for you to enjoy yr time, meanwhile nothing gets done (except for yr enjoying of your yoga practice etc.) and everything goes to hell. To my loved friends who are gonna say: Monsanto is THE DEVIL, f*ck the system, fight the power etc.--if youre alive right now you are, like it or not, part of the system i.e. humanity, and sadly greedy corrupt corporations are here to stay (cuz corrupt greedy people are part of humanity) so I really think the only productive way to look at this whole sh*t sandwich we all have to eat is: WHAT SHOULD WE BE DOING? HOW CAN WE CHECK ABUSES OF POWER? For now, Im speaking up about whats on my mind. And Im gonna go tweet at Obama now. If anyone has any suggestions or insight on any of this please, seriously, write me. Lets talk and do something or other cuz obvi were kind of in trouble here. Okey dokely. Good day to u. Peace and realist optimism forever. Pardon me if this is confronting or kills yr vibe. :)
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 17:08:18 +0000

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