The mother got to keep her baby after doing this to him. She - TopicsExpress


The mother got to keep her baby after doing this to him. She should have had her uterus removed and shoved down her throat until she choked to death on it. ~Grey~ There comes a time when every breastfeeding mother dreads their sweet baby biting down on them while nursing. Some women fear this moment so much, they will actually stop nursing altogether just to avoid being bitten. Since babies will practically gnaw on anything that relieves the pain of teething, it’s not unusual for them to bite. There’s even another reason a baby will bite that you probably never imagined: Babies bite as a sign of affection. When a baby does this, mothers usually take them off the breast and put them down in a non-punitive way to let them know that biting means an end to the nursing. But one mother in eastern China’s Jiangsu Province decided to take matters into her own hands–leaving her eight-month-old baby boy in a pool of blood. Xiao Bao is ucky to be alive after his mother stabbed him 90 times with a pair of scissors, mostly on his face, for biting down on her nipple while breastfeeding. One of Xiao’s uncles found him in the yard of their home and rushed him to the hospital. After getting more than 100 stitches, the infant is recovering. Despite neighbors pleading with the local government to take custody of the poor child, Xiao will remain with his mother and two uncles.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 05:41:22 +0000

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