The mountain where the elderly were abandoned In an abandoned - TopicsExpress


The mountain where the elderly were abandoned In an abandoned mountain village elders when they turn sixty years because they believe they can no longer be useful. But a poor farmer decides not to Discover the value and wisdom of our elders with this story! Once upon a time, long ago, long ago, a small mountainous region where they had the habit of leaving the elderly at the foot of a distant mountain. They believed that when they met their sixties were no longer useful, so they could not worry about them. In a small house of a lost village, a farmer had just turned sixty. During all these years she had cared for the land, he had married and had a child. After she was widowed and his son also married, giving him two precious grandchildren. His son gave him much pain, but he could not disobey the strict orders given him by his master. So his father came up and said: - Father, I feel much, but the lord of these lands has ordered us to take to the mountain all over sixty years. - Quiet child, I understand. You must do what the Lord says - he answered the old man sorrowfully. So the young man was charged back to the old, because his father and it was difficult to walk through the woods, and began the journey into the mountains. As they walked, the young man fixed his father dropped twigs that was breaking. The young man thought he wanted to lead the way back home but when he asked the old man said: - Im not doing for my son. But going to a distant and hidden place, and it would be a disaster to you and you could not desorientases back. So I thought that if I was leaving twigs on the safe side you would not lose. At these words the young man was thrilled with the generosity of his father. But he continued walking why he could not disobey the lord of the land. When he finally reached the foot of the mountain, the son, with a broken heart, he left his father. To return decided to use another route, but it was getting dark and I could not find the way back. So I retraced his steps, and when he came with his father asked him to show him where he had to go. He reloaded his father on his back and, following the indications of the elderly, began to cross the valley through which they had come. Thanks to the broken twigs that the old man had left by the way, they could get home. Whole family was very happy they saw the old man again. So the young man decided to hide it under the floorboards your cabin so that nobody saw and not force him to take it again. The lord of the country, it was quite whimsical, sometimes asking his subjects that would make things very difficult. One day, he gathered all the peasants of the village and said: - I want each of you bring me a rope woven with ash. All farmers were very concerned. How could weave a rope with ash?It was impossible! The young farmer went home and asked for advice from his father, who still hidden under the boards. - Mira -, explained the old man, you have to do is braid a rope tightening much strings. Then you must burn until only ash. The young man did as his father had advised him the rope and took his master ash. No one else had managed to meet the challenge. So the young farmer received many compliments and praise from his master. Another day, Mr. reconvened men of the village. This time I ordered all will take a shell pierced by a thread. The young farmer turned to despair.I did not know how you could go through a shell! So when he got home, again asked his father what he should do and he replied: - Take a shell and its tip directed towards the light, said the old man. Then take a thread and engánchale a grain of rice. Then give the rice grain and make an ant crawling over the surface of the shell. So you get the thread through from one side to another of the shell. The son followed his fathers instructions and was able to bring the shell to the lord of the land. The Lord was very impressed: - Im proud to have such smart people like you on my land. How did you get so wise? - Asked Mr. The young man decided to answer the whole truth: - You see sir, I must be honest. I should have left my father why it was higher, but I was sorry and I did not. The tasks entrusted to us were so difficult that I just happened to ask my father. He explained to me as it should do and I have brought results. When the master heard the whole story, was impressed and realized the wisdom of the elderly. So he got up and said: - The peasant and his father have shown me the value of older people. We respect them and so, from now on, no elder should be abandoned. And thereafter they continued village elders living with their families but met sixty years helping with the wisdom they had accumulated over their lifetime.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 10:31:53 +0000

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