The movie, American Sniper continues to break box office records - TopicsExpress


The movie, American Sniper continues to break box office records because Americans are convinced these people that go to war are heroes. As Ive pointed out before the last several wars we have been a part of (Since World War 2) have been superfluous at best, outright criminal at worst. This country parades around on freedoms that they want you to believe are being protected by these wars, when in reality its just to keep the military industrial campaign going. Haliburton and others like them get rich as our young men and woman die in vain. 10 years in Iraq, our soldiers hanging from bridges, beaten, bloodied and killed and the regime that was ousted is already back in power. Whats more is our government admonishes the soliders to kill the innocent civilians of these war ravaged nations. Is it any surprise to anyone that Isis hates America? I mean we go into a country we arent welcome in, force democracy onto them while raping their culture and then hide behind the flag like its our duty to police the world. All to the tune of about 14 trillion dollars. And then we get the story of Chris Kyle who killed 200+ people and we are supposed to celebrate him. First let me say that he is a liar (in his autobiography, many things were unproven), a man who enjoys killing by his own comments and a guy that openly says he wishes he could kill everyone holding a Quran. Its terrifying to me that this man was allowed to do the things he did given his mindset. Whats more is that I certainly agree with Michael Moores comments. Whats more cowardly than being a sniper? You sit on a perch somewhere with a high powered scope and pick off unsuspecting targets. To me nothing could be more cowardly and yet this man is hailed as a hero. Get a grip America, this isnt a video game these are real people and as far as Im concerned everyone that started the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan should be brought up on war crimes. I would implore many to look at wikileaks and do a little research on what our government and military actually do. Bradley Manning, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden are the real heroes, and most Americans are sheep #bahhhhh
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 03:35:20 +0000

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