The movie Noah opened today and after watching the trailer many - TopicsExpress


The movie Noah opened today and after watching the trailer many times it was definitely a movie I wanted to see, after all, who doesnt know the story of Noah. I remember a few years ago when a story came out that the Ark was found on the top of Mount Ararat in Turkey lending a lot of credibility and interest to the story in the Bible. So I was anxious to see how this story would be depicted in a movie. I really wondered if the movie would follow closely with the account in the Bible or if it would take its own path. There are a lot of versions in the various Bibles so who would be surprised if the movie embellished a little, I mean after all, it is a movie. It didnt take long to figure out that the movie had its own interpretation of this story. I came to that conclusion very quickly when the movie depicted the fallen angels as rock transformers and that it was these fallen angels that actually helped Noah build the Ark, I really wonder how that theory came about, well, its a movie, thats how. I dont remember Noah taking Gods word so literal, to the point where we felt all of mankind should perish and that included his family. It wasnt until the last scene that some sense was made of what the movie Noah believed and how that belief was changed. Of course there were a lot of other things that didnt seem to make sense but then again it was a movie. When you see the movie, you will understand what I mean. The Cinematography was actually pretty good and the acting wasnt bad and I did enjoy parts of the movie but I wasnt enthralled by any means. I really think that if the movie would have stayed closer to how I remembered the story in the Bible it was have been much more believable. It was also kind of interesting that no mention was ever made of God, only referring to him as the Creator. I tend to believe more in the Bible Noah and my own interpretation and belief than the movie Noah but thats something you will have to decide for yourself. Wish I could rate it higher but I can only give it 3 1/2 out of 5 stars.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 21:56:55 +0000

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