The mrs said she was leaving me tonight, her reasoning? She went - TopicsExpress


The mrs said she was leaving me tonight, her reasoning? She went to the shop and bought the food, cooked and prepared it. Then, when she served it, I demanded the larger portion. She gave in, reluctantly. We ate, and then she cleared the table, while i sat dictating the plans for the evening. What i wanted on the t.v, what i thought we should do with the house(decorating and such), she suggested the things shed like and i shot them down. Calling her lazy and ungrateful, insinuating that she was selfish and self serving. She said nothing. I decided i wanted to get a drink in, so i made her pay for it. She puts more into the household fund than i, but i think she should skim more of her disposable income. Why should i? Ive got Call of duty to play, and bets to put on. It might not always give me a return but im investing, right? She went mental, started threatening to leave, talking about how shed be better off. I know shes full of it, she needs me. She cant handle her money, doesnt know the first thing about being social and to top it all off thinks that the people WE know are also HER friends. Women right?.....If you havent figured it out yet this is a metaphor. This is the U.K. A hard working earner putting more in than they get out, and then being berated by the other. If this was real, this would be defined as abuse. Just a little thought id share with you all :)
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 19:40:16 +0000

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