The myth of white flight. I was watching a story trying to - TopicsExpress


The myth of white flight. I was watching a story trying to prove that part of the proof about white racism in the US is white flight. One of the people being interviewed was a history scholar who pointed out that when the Irish moved into a community, the non Irish moved out, when Germans moved into a community, the non Germans moved out. When poor blacks moved into an affluent black community that wealthy blacks moved out. All proven and undeniable facts just as when people of one race or culture move in they would often take over the community. The assumption of white flight is that white people are racists and they leave when blacks move in when history tells us that white racists dont let blacks move in to begin with and if blacks find a way to move in, they get burned out or killed. So the foundation of white flight based on racism is itself preposterous and the real cause of white flight is economics as the only common factor all of these scenarios have is that the existing population was already moving out because of job loss. Without jobs and opportunities worth moving to these communities, the communities begin to die off and the only people who see opportunity in a community like this are people from a more economically depressed community. Turns out, this is the view of most intellectuals and the concept of white flight is generated by the media, academics, politicians and special interest leaders who prove to have no real working understanding of history or the concept of history repeating itself. The issue being discussed was Ferguson Missouris black population and poverty because Ferguson was once a thriving community and three quarters white into the 1990s. However, Ferguson was a suburb of St Louis and St Louis has had its highs and lows in regard to economics. Because of this, when the jobs began leaving Ferguson, the opportunities became diminished and the communities ability to recover fell heavily upon the local leaders. Par for the course, the leaders in Ferguson had also diminished in their ability and ideals for addressing these problems. This created further job loss and people began to leave... its just that simple. Individuals cannot keep businesses from leaving a community so that the general population is handicapped except for their power to vote. People get in a habit of voting the same way even when they can see their leadership failing them. Thus, the communities voting habits contribute to the problem, leaders who have a majority support take their dominant position for granted (getting lazy) and entropy sets in. Entropy is a doctrine of inevitable social decline and degeneration. It is a process through which all energy and dynamism within a community to promote or sustain growth dissipates so as to become unsustainable. What energy does exist continues to diminish and be used up much as we hear being addressed in relation to energy sources we use for fuel in our cars and homes. An established leadership group of this nature tends to create a closed community which is difficult to get into where before it was thriving, growing and in need of people to move in to sustain this growth. New ideas are rejected, established leaders generally have too much power and support to change... and a community that was once thriving begins the slow death that hits most communities at some point where people dont change their leaders and direction. Ferguson Missouri may have already reached this point before it ever reached its greatest point as often a candle burns brightest before the gradual loss of wax, we could all see, causes the candle to begin dying now rapidly and flickering out. What we see in Ferguson is a situation where people were already leaving before it reached its greatest point. Top paying jobs would have been the first to leave in many cases. But the community continues to grow because its still capable of generating lower paying jobs to continue growth. But the cost of living remains high so the reduced incomes make things more difficult. Leaders often respond by increasing taxes and imposing higher costs on businesses leading those businesses to relocate because businesses are transient. Employers in most manufacturing jobs only need workers and when the cost of operating in a given community is greater than building new facilities in a community elsewhere... theyll cut their losses and move. Civilian laborers are the same on a smaller level because a business is an investment within a community and the workers make an investment in this community based on their ability to live there. When the cost of living in a community is too great and their jobs either dont exist or cannot sustain them, workers begin leaving to find a new place to live and work which offers better opportunities. In fact, immigration to the US is based on this very premise. To leave places where their ability to achieve what they need or want has diminished or would be greater elsewhere. So the very foundation of this nation as it exists, the very issue of continuing immigration to the United States itself provides the proof we all need to see whats happening here. When Latin Americans move to the United States, they often move into these communities which have few opportunities because these communities offer something better than what they had. Its a place that gives them a foothold in the US and they then either become entrapped within this community because of shared cultural ties. We have seen this time after time after time in this country with people from all different cultural backgrounds... or they spread out seeking opportunities and integrating which is the whole reason for the concept of integration in opposition to segregation. Remember also that most blacks living in large urban communities came there from rural America seeking the exact same things... and were then denied the right to integrate which was the wrong of segregation as imposed by whites. This helped to deeply ingrain segregation among blacks as the parasites of a community can find prosperity and power by feeding off their own people often creating partnerships with the very people oppressing them. That brings us back to Ferguson as weve seen this in every community across America. In large urban cities, we see entire areas die off larger than most smaller rural communities. But these cities survive and move on. In most cases because they are large enough that they can absorb surrounding communities. In smaller communities, its a shopping mall or a housing district. In Ferguson, you had the white population moving out which ended the period of being a closed environment and leaders wanting anyone and everyone to move there so they create an open door policy promoting what they have to offer to the disadvantaged elsewhere. This is why the population of Ferguson Missouri became majority black even as the jobs continued to leave and whites with investments in Ferguson picked up as well. Whites who remain left behind are often the ones with strong roots they refuse to abandon or investments like their homes which they cannot abandon because they either wont sell or cant find a buyer. Again, the concept of white flight even reveals this to us and people simply do not want to see it. Service jobs remain in communities like this as long as there are people able to pay for those services even if using government aid. But political leaders and police officers are also service oriented professions which is how Fergusons population became majority black, but its police force and political leadership remained white as these people didnt have reason to move except outside the community they serve. This is why the police and elected leaders of Ferguson dont actually live there... they exploit the opportunities that never left Ferguson and, in relation to law enforcement, they cant get people to relocate there. With the opinion of police being an enemy since the 1960s, how many young black men are going to grow up wanting to be a police officer? In a place like Ferguson, its almost unheard of. Although Ron Johnson of the state police comes from Ferguson, he also comes from the time when Ferguson was still better off economically and he left Ferguson to find opportunities elsewhere no different than the white people who were the majority in the 1990s had done. So why is it so hard to figure this out? Because black people who relocated to Ferguson, seeking better housing and opportunities than they had elsewhere, became trapped there because they didnt understand that this would only be the case for a few years... Ferguson was dying off before they got there and they arrived during the dying process. But, by this time, the local political leaders have shifted to drawing their wealth and power from socialism and government aid to provide their own wealth and power. Retaining a large population is often what determines this communities survival because the resources coming in are what sustains them. Its not enough to sustain the people, however, but the leaders of these communities have themselves become parasites so that while the people often get depicted in a negative light... its actually the leaders who have become parasites and the black population are the people they feed upon. By focusing on the false ideal of white flight and making the issue about race, community leaders escape the blame their failed leadership creates. This creates opportunities for the racemongers of society to swoop in like vultures feeding on a corpse and the body isnt dead yet so the black community lashes out in pain because of whats being done to it by these people. Since the shooting of Michael Brown, there have been hundreds of young black men shot and many killed. During the demonstrations themselves, several have been shot and not one word by the people protesting on behalf of Michael Brown to mention their names or show an ounce of concern about them. So they cannot claim that what happens in Chicago or New York or Los Angeles is too far away from Ferguson and they cannot be everywhere at once... there have been other shootings in Ferguson Missouri since this began and these parasites clearly do not give a damn. Demonstrators in other communities like Chicago and Philadelphia demonstrate on behalf of Michael Brown but not one demonstration on behalf of young black men shot or killed in their own communities during this time period. If this were about more than Michael Brown, then why are people in other cities demonstrating on behalf of the local young black men who were shot and killed in their own communities... those worthless, nameless faces we are told Michael Brown represents in the black community and yet... wheres the representation as only one name is known and thats the name of Michael Brown. So who has made the names of these other black men unimportant? If I, across the country, hear about twenty black men shot and killed in Chicago Illinois, I dont know their names... EDUCATE ME! GIVE ME THEIR NAMES... SHOW ME THEIR FACES... TELL ME THEIR STORIES... SHOW YOU CARE ABOUT THEM OR SHUT THE HELL UP BECAUSE YOU ARE THE ONES WHO KNOW THESE MEN AND CAN PROVIDE US WITH THE DETAILS... AND ITS YOU WHO DONT CARE ENOUGH TO DO SO!
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 05:36:00 +0000

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