The myth that Reagan was a "conservative" or "anti-government" - TopicsExpress


The myth that Reagan was a "conservative" or "anti-government" president: But although Reagan often talked about supporting smaller government, most Libertarians know that in practice he did exactly the opposite. For example: Reagan boosted import tariffs and trade restrictions. Reagan cut marginal income tax rates, but he also raised Social Security taxes. Reagan had a history of gun control, and signed the Brady bill into law Reagan signed the biggest tax increase in history into law in 1986 when he "closed loopholes" in the business tax code Reagan flouted the authority of Congress (thru his flunkie Oliver North) to declare war, and ran several WAR operations off the books and outside Congress Reagan increased farm subsidies. Reagan sent the federal debt through the roof. Federal spending under Reagan grew from $678 billion to $1.14 trillion. Reagan set the record for the highest average spending as a percent of GDP over his administration. (Obama may beat him.) The next time you see some flag waver saying he wants "another conservative like Reagan" you may want to listen to the testimony of these people Ron Paul, who initially supported him David Stockman, OMB director Paul Craig Roberts, who served him in Treasury Murray Rothbard, probably the most consistent small government economist of the 20th centuy Reagan was an ideological figurehead who mouthed small government bromides and betrayed principles with wild abandon. Sorry. Just the way it is.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 01:22:33 +0000

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