The name of the exclusive secrete society "Skull and Bones" is not - TopicsExpress


The name of the exclusive secrete society "Skull and Bones" is not whimsical nor devoid of deeper meaning. Like the term, “hiding in plain sight” it is an obvious reference that its Uber elite members consider themselves outside of, above and beyond any other authority or rules of conduct. Neither is it coincidental that the likely etymology of the name "Jolly Roger" it is linked to an old moniker for the Devil. Little wonder yet that their primary place of ritual is known as "The Tomb.” I believe the symbol of death they embrace represents the death of the Old Order – which must die to make way for the New World Order (NWO) – the primary beneficiaries of the NWO of course – being Skull and Bones members. It also likely represents the death of the individual to any all old allegiances. Moreover, Death is an appropriate symbol for the cadre that wants to limit the population of the world to around 500 million and is adept at creating armed conflicts all over the planet. Unquestionably bright, they employ a false left right paradigm where leaders of both sides – despite their passionate game of opposing rhetorical jousting - skillfully practice a dialectical game whose outcome always end up concentrating more and more power in the hands of fewer and fewer people. Such people could not care less whether Civil Governments espouse Communism, Fascism, Socialism, Third Way, Crony Capitalism, or any other name – because - as long as they control the Civil Government – they remain the beneficiaries of the concentration of power. An area worthy of serious investigation is the connection between Skull and Bones and the CIA – of whom Bonesmen were instrumental in creating. Even William F. Buckley Jr. was a member – who not coincidentally – worked for the CIA. The full involvement of the CIA in the establishment of the NWO, political assassinations, including with near certainty – the assassination of JFK – coups, arming Al-Qaeda, and a host of other nefarious activities may never be known this side of heaven. How convenient for the NWO to have at its disposal a secret, unaccountable agency with essentially limitless funds, sanctioned by the Civil Government. The more chaos they create - in classic Machiavellian style - the more they can justify increasing their own power and authority. Bonesmen have held and continue to hold many of the highest positions of power and influence within our Civil Government. And remember, it only a conspiracy “theory” – if it is not true.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 04:04:02 +0000

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