The national media attention has begun now. We look so backwards - TopicsExpress


The national media attention has begun now. We look so backwards and uncivilized...learning nothing from our past. The people of my state are sitting by and applauding this, knowing what this will do, but welcoming it nonetheless. Yes, there are enlightened souls here and no, not everybody is for this, but it is still such a shame that by-and-large, weve not even moved a minutia in the last 50 years. I can see three churches from my back deck, each filled with cars Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night. As a gay Christian, I still have managed to find a church to attend with my partner. My children attend with me. Ive never seen or heard of anybody being discriminated against around here BECAUSE they are a Christian. According to the Pew Research Centers Forum on Religion and Public Life survey released Tuesday, Mississippi scored highest across the board, with 82 percent of Mississippians saying religion was very important in their lives; 60 percent saying they attend services at least once a week; 77 percent saying they pray daily; and 91 percent saying they believe in God with absolute certainty. How is it then, that this massive majority feels threatened by me and Johnny going to a grocery store, renting a room in a hotel somewhere, or going to a hospital for treatment? Is their belief structure so fragile that the very sight of us together could prompt the walls to tumble around their faith like Jericho at the trumpets? Are we so powerful in some kind of persuasive ability we have that men of all ages and races will flock to the dark side? Is their belief structure so tentative that it must be protected from the very idea of who I am? Im not sure who those people believe is God, but I can promise you one thing. The faith I have can withstand anything, including their bigoted, hateful, hurtful, narrow minded, egocentric, and narcissistic religion. The God I love doesnt need protection. He stands with me regardless of what His so-called people say....and I love Him more for it.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 22:16:31 +0000

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