The national patriotism and pan-Africanism study groups (NPPS) - TopicsExpress


The national patriotism and pan-Africanism study groups (NPPS) introduce you to RONALD NGALA Ronald Gideon Ngala (1923–1972) was a Kenyan politician and statesman who was the leader of the Kenya African Democratic Union political party from its creation in 1960 until its dissolution in 1964. Early career Ngala was born in 1922 at Gotani in Giriama country. In 1929 the family moved to Vishakani near Kaloleni, which was to be Ngalas home for the rest of his life. Ngala attended Alliance High School and Makerere University College where he gained a teaching diploma. He worked as a teacher in Kenyas coastal region and later became headmaster of Mbale Secondary School in Taita-Taveta District. In 1952 he was transferred to Buxton School in Mombasa where he served as the principal. Political career Legislative Council Ngala began his national career by being elected to the Legislative Council in 1957. In the 1957 elections to the legislative council, Ngala was elected to represent the Coast Rural constituency.Following these elections, Ngala, along with Tom Mboya, Oginga Odinga, Lawrenze Oguda, Masinde Muliro, Daniel arap Moi, Benard Mate and James Miumi formed the African Elected Members Organisation (AEMO) and signed a controversial press statement declaring Kenyas Lyttelton constitution on which they had been elected, void. One of the declarations of AEMO was that none of the African elected members of the legislative council would take any ministerial office. This constitutional crisis led to the first Lancaster House conference in 1960 at which the African delegation sought a new constitution for Kenya . At the Lancaster House conference, the ban on nationwide African political parties was lifted and the African delegation agreed to form the Kenya African National Union (KANU). Ngala was appointed to the committee which drafted KANUs constitution and at a meeting held on May 14, 1960 in Kiambu he was elected as the partys treasurer. Kenya African Democratic Union (KADU) After the formation of KANU a number of smaller parties formed which represented the interests of minority tribes. At a meeting of the leaders of these parties held in Ngong on June 25, 1960, the Kenya African Democratic Union (KADU) was formed with Ngala as its leader, in opposition to KANU.[5] At the 1961 legislative council elections KADU led by Ngala won 11 seats to KANUs 19, however the leaders of KANU refused to form any government until Jomo Kenyatta was released from house arrest.[1] KADU under Ngala agreed to form a government and Ngala became Leader of Government Business and later Chief Minister.[6] Jomo Kenyatta was released from house arrest later in 1961 and became president of KANU. Under Kenyattas leadership KANU won 83 of the 129 seats in the national assembly at the 1963 elections.[7] On 12 November 1964 six key members of KADU crossed the floor to KANU. The leaders of KADU, including Ronald Ngala, Masinda Muliro and Daniel arap Moi decided to dissolve KADU and join KANU. Post-Independence Ronald Ngala was made Minister of Cooperatives and Social Services in the Kenyatta government. He went on to become one of KANU’s vice-presidents at the 1966 Limuru Conference in which Oginga Odinga was ejected from KANU. Ngala remained active in the government until he died in a road accident in 1972.The circumstances of Ngalas death in 1972 were suspicious, but nobody was arrested or charged, and there was no inquiry
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 04:28:23 +0000

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