The nations of the world are headed for a single, global - TopicsExpress


The nations of the world are headed for a single, global government. According to Daniel and Revelation there will be 10 geographic regions established to carry this out. Logistics will be accommodated by the insertion of something akin to a lithium cell beneath the skin on the back of the right hand or forehead. The word mark in Rev 14.16 means engraving, encoding. This mark will contain all the info a person will need to conduct all financial transactions. It will be scanned as bar codes are now. Those who refuse this encoding will be beheaded. Sound familiar? Amazingly John refers to a digital, numerical alphabet in Rev 14.17. He references the number of his name. Numbers are coded into language in many areas, including computer language. Out of a worldwide crisis a dictator will arise. He IS coming. No, I do not believe it is Obama. Without knowing it the world is aligning itself with the prophecies of the Bible. It doesnt matter whether one believes that or not. Current events are self-revealing. The faint outline of what will be is distinctly forming among the nations. My only prayer is that people accept the payment of their redemption Christ offered on the cross. I am not a wild-eyed dooms dayer with a sandwich board on the sidewalk. I simply understand and embrace as future history what God has said will happen. The world as we know it, history as we know it is coming to an end. That means Christ is returning to this planet onto which he was born as an infant, grew up as man, and died as God in the flesh. Like in Egypt the night the messenger passed through the land and was looking for the blood over the door...when he returns he knows those who have accepted his payment for their sin account. No other form of payment will be accepted.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 14:38:27 +0000

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