The need for people to receive medical or health care is NOT - TopicsExpress


The need for people to receive medical or health care is NOT comperable to the purchase of other comodities. When people are injured or ill they dont have the time nor the desire to compare prices and services. The choice of a health care provider should not be restrictted to prices anyway. Who wants to see a provider just because he/she charges a little less? I want someone that I know and trust to provide my medical care. Additionally people do not choose to need medical attention. It is almost always forced upon them. We can live without a new car or a new house. If families have to pay for their health care they are more likely to go without if they dont have the resources to pay. This is a public health and safety concern. They may carry infections that would spread to the larger population. They may also wait until their medical condition has worsened and is more difficult and costly to treat. The U.S. pays 2.5 times more per capita than any other developed nation in the world and is the only developed nation that does not have some form of government health care financing for all of its citizens. Are we to stubborn or lazy or self-absorbed to learn that there is a better way? HR 676 (research if for yourself) would provide health care financing for everyone (womb to tomb) at a lower per capita costs. Employers would no longer be burdoned with the cost of providing health care benefits.
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 12:08:28 +0000

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