The new UK Driving test - 2016 The way that we all drive could - TopicsExpress


The new UK Driving test - 2016 The way that we all drive could soon be changing hugely. As part of this, new rules have been suggested to change the way you learn to drive and take tests. Here are some of the proposed changes which are currently going through parliament (as of February 2014). None of these things have been confirmed but most are likely to happen in some form or another. I would like to stress the point that the points below are only possibilities. They are not made up, they have been suggested and put forward to the government to vote on but i dont think that many of them will happen. Minimum learning time In October 2013 it was suggsted that learners should have take a minimum of 120 hours of driving lessons spread over at least 1 year before they are allowed to take a driving test. 20 of those hours would have to be in the dark. Only lessons taken with a professional driving instructor would count towards your 120 hours and we will have to sign off the hours. Any driving you do with parents, friends etc. would not count. The main problem with this is of course the cost. If the minimum time of 120 hours comes in then it would triple the amount you have to spend on driving lessons from the current average of £800 to £2400. It will also mean that instructors are booked for a year ahead so finding anyone that is available to teach would be difficult and lesson prices could rocket. Motorway driving on lessons Its likely that motorway driving will now be included on driving lessons and the driving test to make it safer for newly qualified drivers to use them. Longer, harder driving tests The driving test will probably be made longer (around 1 hour) and harder to ensure people are at a higher standard before being allowed on their own. This could include extending the independant driving section of the test (where you are asked to follow roadsigns or several directions in one go) to a length of 20 minutes instead of the current 10 minutes. Where possible it could also include a motorway section. Much tougher tests for new and current driving instructors The way that you become a driving instructor is changing hugely. It will be a much longer and tougher process with far greater scrutiny and inspection for those applying to become instructors. Instructors such as myself could have to retrain every year as well as having stricter standards checks done. This is expected to create a huge drop in the number of instructors (hundreds are leaving already) which could sharply increase lesson prices due to lack of competition. Younger age for driving The age at which you can get a provisional driving licence could be reduced to 16 and then maybe 15 in the future. Longer probation period for new drivers The current 1 year probation period for new drivers (where you can be banned for 6 points instead of the usual 12) could be extended to 2 years. Compulsory tracking device in the car Many new drivers now choose to have a box installed to their car to track their speed, times they drive and style of driving in order to reduce insurance premiums. This could be made compulsory for all new drivers and, in the future, for all drivers. Cheaper insurance The cost of insuring your first car should fall due to all the changes being made. Nobody knows how much but its been estimated that premiums could be cut by around 30% Ban on foreign languages for theory and practical driving tests (CONFIRMED) From April 7th 2014 it will be illegal to take a theory or practical driving test in anything other than English or Welsh. This was confirmed in 2013 and was brought in partly to combat the problem of people cheating on tests by having a translator that was telling them how to drive as well as translating the examiners directions. Ban on mobile phones even when using hands-free It could be made illegal to use a phone at all in a car - even when using a hands-free kit. You would only be allowed to use one when the engine is turned off completely. If your car has start/stop technology which pauses your engine when you are not moving at lights then that will not count as your car being turned off. Ban on night time driving for the first year It could be made illegal to drive between 11pm and 7am for new drivers. This is when most accidents involving new drivers happen. Ban on carrying passengers under 30 For the first year or two after passing your driving test, you will not be allowed to have anyone in the car under the age of 30. This means it will be illegal to carry your own children in the car. This is being suggested as its thought that many car accidents are caused by groups of youths going out in a car and egging each other on to do stupid things. Ban on smoking with children in the car or at any time It could be made illegal to smoke if a child is in the car, or even just to smoke in a car at all - even if its parked up with the engine off, windows open and nobody else in it. New speed
Posted on: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 20:58:44 +0000

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