The new generation is very clever and practical for them, every - TopicsExpress


The new generation is very clever and practical for them, every relation is a ladder... on which they will step to rise further in life. But when der hv no use for the ladder anymore....with d rest of d broken furniture in d house...old vessels,old cloths and newspapers... there are dumped in d attic however,life does not take u up like a ladder life grows like a tree. Parents are not d steps on a ladder. Parents are d soul of ones life however big d tree is, however green and filled it is... it cant stand on its own, once its roots are hacked wit all humility and respect i ask today... the children for whose happiness...a father spends every penny of his hard earned money wit a smile... those very children, when d fathers eye-sight weakens... why do der hesitate in giving dem light ? if a father can help his son to take d first step in his life...why cant d son...giv his father support wen hes taking d last few steps of his life ? wat crime is it of d parents who hv devoted all their der children, dat der are given tears and loneliness ? if der cant giv dem any love...who gives such children d right to snach love fr d parents ? wat do dis children think ? children perhaps 4get... what is der parents present today, will be der present 2moro if parents are old today, children will also grow old somday ...and questions asked today will be asked 2moro......kno dis parents who are capable of bringin up such children.....helpin dem becom able and capable of takin care of himself too
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 00:27:30 +0000

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