The new scale has 1st year teachers making the same salary as a - TopicsExpress


The new scale has 1st year teachers making the same salary as a member who has been here 8 years and now will be on step 1. -Glen Galante - UniServ Director, CCEA >>>>WELL ILL BE DAMNED...!!! So it seems that our RUMOR was not so false after all... Is it time to WORK TO RULE?? Please read on... >>>>Just in case you are not a member of the CCEA, which I suspect is the case for many of the people most directly affected by this salary scale debacle (those 1st through 8th year teachers who cant afford the dues!) Here is the full message that was sent out to all members of the CCEA (the rest of you apparently dont matter even though you are supposedly still represented by CCEA...): Salary Guide: I know you may be somewhat confused and wondering what’s going on with regard to next year’s salary guide. The issue is the cross over from this year’s scale to the new sale for next year. Our original agreement with CCPS had members receiving a 2.5% COLA and a 1% bonus. The salary guide was also supposed to be reduced from 22 –20 steps. The salary scale that is listed in our Master Agreement (MA) list 20 steps for next year. The problem is the cross over from this year’s scale to next year’s scale was never discussed and agreed to by CCEA. CCPS took it upon themselves to create the cross over. Though the cross over does fulfill the MA, 2.5% COLA, 1% bonus and reduced steps, it also creates some problems. No one in the new scale is losing steps. Though it appears they may be stepping back they are still the same distance away from the top of the scale. There are two issues here; 1. Some members who have been here 8 + years are still on step 3 because of the freeze with regard to steps. In the new guide they go back to step 1. Again they are still the same distance away from the top because there are 20 steps not 22 steps. And, 2. The new scale has 1st year teachers making the same salary as a member who has been here 8 years and now will be on step 1. >>>>Hey folks, the message has been sent loud and clear. CCEA and CCPS care more about filling seats, than keeping their experienced teachers in those seats. >>>>The question now is what are you going to do about it? Weve been sitting back and watching this happen for nearly a decade. If you want anything to change, you are only left with a couple options: LEAVE Carroll County (which we know is VERY hard for those of you who love your schools, students, and coworkers) or stand up for yourselves and effect change! >>>>What can we do to stand up for ourselves and let it be known that it is no longer acceptable to just ignore the needs of 1/3 of the teachers in the county? Strike? NO, it is illegal for teachers to strike in Maryland. HOWEVER, it is absolutely legal for teachers to WORK TO RULE. >>>>When you WORK TO RULE, you only work during contract time. You arrive at work exactly when your contract day begins. You leave work exactly when your contract day ends. You meet together (GETTING PARENTS INVOLVED TOO!) at the BOE after contract time and peaceably let the powers that be know how you feel. You only contact parents during your planning time. You put an away message on your email and voicemail system stating something like You have reached ***. I am not available at the moment. I can be reached during my planning time, X:XX - X:XX. Please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible. You do not meet with parents, teachers or administrators outside of your contact time. If you are a non-stipended coach or advisor, you do not attend practice or games and you cancel any after school meetings. You only grade, plan, and prep during your planning time. You only enter grades once per two weeks, as required by CCPS. You do not volunteer to perform any duties outside of contract time (chaperone, ticket taking, etc...) >>>>Does this hurt the students? Yes, but it hurts them much more to see their favorite teachers leaving year after year to go teach elsewhere. Does it cause added stress for teachers? Yes, but if we want things to get better, we all need to make the sacrifice. Does it work? ONLY IF WE UNITE AS ONE AND SEND OUR MESSAGE TO CCPS LOUD AND CLEAR. >>>>Please SHARE this message with all of your friends and coworkers. We are still waiting to hear back from the CCEA, but please mentally prepare yourself for the possibility that if we want things to change we may need to Work To Rule in the VERY near future! >>>Thank you for all of your recent support. We know that this wont be easy and maybe even a bit scary, but always remember that what you are doing is what is best for the kids of Carroll County.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 19:39:25 +0000

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