The new treatments by the false host receptors: - TopicsExpress


The new treatments by the false host receptors: ( the new principles ) 1. the entrance of the vital organisms ,the viruses, the bacteria , the fungi ,into the hosts cells depend on its surfaces receptors ,or antigens of the vital organisms ,and on the host cell receptors . 2. also, in the cancer metastasis depends on the different surface receptors of the host tissues which are suitable for the cancer cell antigens or the receptors . 3. so , the closes of these host receptors against the vital factors ,organisms, cancer cell, it will disrupt these vital factors to enter the host receptors , and the uses of the direct antibodies against the host receptors did not give the best results and may harm the host cells also. 4. the new treatments by the false host receptors help us for : a. the treatments for the acute strong infections which form the fatal epidemic diseases, like the aids viruses ,the avian flu viruses the ,the malaria diseases . b. the treatments for the cancer metastasis . c. the treatments for the slow chronic infectious diseases. d. the treatments of the autoimmune diseases . e. the treatments for the idiopathic diseases with the unknown causes , like the multiple sclerosis we make the next steps: 1. the step 1 : we determine the main host receptors for the vital receptors or antigens ,and we inject these host surfaces receptors ( the host cells) in the animal to get against it the specific antibodies . 2. the step 2 : we inject the antibodies which formed from the animals again in the animal to get the anti-antibodies ( because the needs for the hyper variable part of it ,because these parts are the copies for the host cell receptors )and we can name it the false host receptor 1 ( FHR 1) ,to use it later . 3. the step 3 :we inject these different types of the false of the different host receptors proteins in the blood (or locally as aerosols in the respiratory system ) against the specific vital factors ,in the high amounts, so the aids viruses recptors ( as example ) need the suitable host cells receptor to enter its host cells, it will find the FHR 1 proteins are suitable receptors for it, due to the suitable proteins structures (the electro magnetic also ) of the FHR1 are resemble for the host cells receptors ,and the vital factor can not continue its reproductive periods, and in the same time the injection of the FHR1 proteins excite the immune system for two responses : a. the formations of the antibodies against the FHR1 proteins ,which help us for disrupt the main host receptors ,which help indirectly to close the host receptors against the vital factors . b. the formations of the antibodies for the new antigens( the unions of the vital receptors with the FHR1) to destroy strongly this new antigens, the vital factors antigens and the FHR1 proteins(may act as the supper antigens ) in the same time . 4.the step 4 : the injection for the FHR1 proteins excite the formations of the specific antibodies , and this antibodies may strongly harm the host receptors , so to avoids these harms , we make : a. we form the anti-antibodies for the MCH1 and for the MCH2 receptors ( proteins) , it means the formations of the new copies of these receptors and we name it the false host receptors 2 ( the FHR 2) and we inject it in the blood to form for it the new antibodies to disrupt its actions for the temporary times as we need , or for the long time for the autoimmune diseases . 5. the steps 5 : in the idiopathic diseases like the multiple sclerosis , with the unreal and the unknown causes, or with the presence the antibodies against proteins or the HLA antigens so ,we make a. in the presence of the antibodies, we inject them in the animals to get the antibodies against it , always we use the hyper variable part of it , because it gave us the structure of the antigens residue ,so if these main antiboidoies against the proteins ,different series of it , we inject the hyper variable parts in great amounts to act with the main antibodies to form new types of the antigens to challenge by the immune system ,and we can make the same steps in the presence of the HLA antigens also ,or we can also determine the tissue damages from the immune complexes from the mains antibodies and we use the FHR1 and the FHR 2 again . b. we take the antibodies from the blood of the unknown antigens ,and we make many investigation to discover the vital organisms by immune florescence ,if we find the vital organisms ,we make the steps 1 ,the steps 2 ,as before ,but if we did not find the vital organisms ,we can use the steps 5 to discover the qualities of the main antibodies ,and to treat. c. the uses of these methods ,help us to change the qualities of the antigens to a new types to excite the immune system, and to form the false receptors to block the danger vital organisms to enter the human bodies , and the uses of the hyper variable parts of the antibodies , help us also to find the residues of the proteins antigens indirectly ,to treat them with the suitable methods d. this step is very important, to deceive its targets by the false recptors ,look like as the main cells, so we must form a bulky size for the false recptors by the formation the false recptors beside the other neighbor receptors ,it means ,we must choose the main gene for the false receptors, and two or three neighbor genes, to form from them the fusion proteins by the uses the endonuclease and the DNA ligase ,to join these genes ,so the residues for the false fusion proteins ,look like the main cells, to attract the vital organisms to attach with them . e. we can use the real cells with its specific receptors for the aids viruses or for the cancer metastasis as below: 1. we take the CD4 cells or the specific cells from the host tissues for the cancer metastasis ,and we make for these cells the cellular cultivations , 2. we take off the nuclei of these cells . 3. we inject in these cells the enzymes ,like the endonuclease or the DNA ligase ,or the antibodies with or without the isotopes against the specific enzymes or active proteins, which we need to weak the cancer cells or the aids viruses as in the researches before . 4. so we can use the real cells with its true recptors ,but without its nuclei to use them , to attract the aids viruses or the cancer metastasis cells ,to destroy them. 5. the uses of the important isotopes for the cancer treatments : a. the DNA polymerase families work as apoenzymes, it needs the MG ,to acts as the holoenzymes, it means the MG molecules act as an important ( cofactor ) for these families ,so we can use in our new researches the MG isotopes ,the types MG25 ,MG26 molecules. b. the primase proteins need the ZN molecules to bound its sub units ,so we can use the isotopes for the ZINK molecules the ZN64,ZN68 to use them later . c. many of the DNA binding proteins ,act an important roles in the transcriptions or the transduction actions ,and many of them need the ZN molecules in its structures ,like the zinc coordinating proteins ,one of the most important group between the DNA binding proteins groups ,and the important sub groups like : 1. the types loop-sheet –helix families , the 1tsr and 1tup the P53 tumor suppressor. 2.the types hormone nuclear receptor, zinc finger types the retinoic acid receptors like 2nll,1by4 ,or the orphan nuclear receptors, like the 1cit ,1a6y,and the glucocorticoid receptors the types 1glu ,1lat. 3. the beta- beta -alpha zinc finger families, like the ZIF 268 ,1aay,1zaa ,and the DSNR the 1a1g, the RADR, the 1a1I . d. many DNA binding proteins did not contain any metal molecules ,like the type HTH and its subtypes ,the cro and repress families e. the alpha helix group the histones types, the 1aoi. f. the beta sheet group ,the TATA box binding families, the 1ytb,1ytf,1ais,1cdw,1tgh,1vol, g. many deferent endonuclease group from different bacteria like the types ,3pvi,1rva,1bgb1bss,1bua1qps,1qri,3bam,1vas. h. the DNA polymerase beta like the 1bpy,1zqi,7icm,8icc,9icg,9icx,9icy. i. the reverse transcriptase the 1hmi,2hmi . j. other types the topoisomerase ,the types 1a31,1a36. 5. the uses of the false host receptors : a. the uses of the host cells without its nuclei ,we can put in its the places of the nuclei the :1. free isotopes, 2.the DNA binding proteins with the ZN severe isotopes , 3. the repressor proteins ,4. the enzymes uses in researches before ,to weak or to destroy the cancer cells . b. we can use the CD4 cells ,without its nuclei and we put in its places the severe isotopes ,or the modified proteins of the reverse transcriptase ,by the fusion proteins which contain in it, the severe isotopes also . c. we can use the cancer cells without its nuclei ,and we put in its places ,the isotopes or the enzymes with the isotopes or the different types of the antibodies also . d. we implant in the main tumors the free isotopes or the host cells without its nuclei, or the cancer cells without its nuclei also, and we can also inject the free isotopes or many enzymes in the blood after the destroy for the cancer cellular walls by the immune complexes as in the researches before . e. the uses of the ZN or the MG isotopes ,in the cancer treatment ,to make the direct attack of the isotopes on the DNA segments which its proteins bind in it ,to get the most important effects to destroy the cancer cells directly ,because the rapid divisions of the cancer cells need more of the DNA binding proteins ,so the best targets for the DNA sequences are the DNA binding proteins with its severe isotopes .
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 18:38:56 +0000

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