The newly appointed Captain strode toward the docking bay where - TopicsExpress


The newly appointed Captain strode toward the docking bay where his new command waited. The Grayson Army Space Forces troopers standing guard at the entrance to the tube came to attention and saluted as he approached. Returning their salutes as he handed over his ID folio, he waited patiently as they verified his bona fides. “Everything appears to be in order Sir.” the Sergeant who had taken his ID stated after verifying the information and imagery on the file. Saluting once more, the troopers stepped back away from the entrance allowing the Captain to access the tube. Stepping into the tube and away from the station’s gravity he quickly swam the tube to the end. Taking hold of the grab bar, he crossed the green line indicating he was now aboard ship and came to attention. Turning towards the planetary flag and ship’s crest he saluted and then turned toward the Midshipman who was acting as the duty officer, saluted and said, “Permission to come aboard Sir?” The Midshipman, taking note of the white band lying atop the front of the brim of the Captain’s peaked cap, returned the salute with parade ground precision and replied, “Permission granted Sir! Welcome aboard Captain.” “Is there someone who can guide me to the bridge Midshipman?” He asked kindly. “The Chief here will be glad to take you Sir.” The Midshipman said indicating a female Chief Petty Officer in the uniform of the Manticoran Navy. “Lead the way Chief.” The Captain said turning towards the CPO. She smiled and replied in an accent that definitely was not from Grayson, “If you’ll just follow me Sir.” Following the Chief, the Captain let his mind wander, taking in the obvious presence of yard dogs and builder reps swarming all over the place. Within a few minutes, he was standing on the bridge. There was only a single yard dog with the insignia of a Lieutenant Commander. “Commander, are the intership coms working?” Looking up from the station console he was working on, the Commander nodded quickly, “Yes Sir.” Pressing a button on the arm of the command chair, the Captain heard the tones indicating an all hands message across the speakers. Making sure he was in the visual pickup, the Captain took out a folded sheet of paper and began to read. “From: Admiral of the Fleet Lord Martin Lessem, First Lord of the Admiralty, Royal Manticoran Navy, on behalf of the Protector, Benjamin IX. To: Captain Christopher Fells Twenty-Seventh Day, First Month, Year Three Hundred and One After Landing Sir: You are hereby directed and required to proceed aboard the Starship Covington, CLAC-01, of the Covington Class of Light Attack Craft Carriers, there to take upon yourself the duties and responsibilities of commanding officer in service of the Sword. Fail not in this charge at your peril. The Bureau of Ships is satisfied that she meets all spacegoing specifications and is worthy of commissioning. Please ensure that final crewed trials are conducted post haste and that any discrepancy is logged. Crewed trials are to be completed one T-Month after delivery and this will be considered the shakedown period. Following the shakedown, you are to report to the Commander of the Fourth Fleet. Once on station, you will commence with a picket and flag projection. Your mission is to demonstrate the presence of the Sword’s Navy to the local population and to ensure their safety from the Solarian League, Mesa and any others which you deem a threat to the safety of the Grand Alliance. Use of the resources you feel are required to complete your assigned task in service of the Sword is authorized. By order of: Admiral Lord Sir John Roberts, KDE, SC Third Space Lord Royal Manticoran Navy For Her Majesty the Queen, and on behalf of the Protector, Benjamin IX” Having finished reading the orders placing himself as the next highest authority to the Tester himself aboard the ship he looked at the Lieutenant Commander and formally said, “Commander, I have command.” The Commander replied, “Sir, you have command.” Nodding at the Commander, he turned to the pickup and continued, “While I know everyone is busy with their tasks getting this ship ready to go underway, I wanted to make a few announcements. First to all personnel who have received promotions as part of the commissioning of the Covington, I expect all required courses for the position to be completed as quickly as possible. While the Admiralty Orders state brevets have nine months to complete these exams, I expect them to be completed within six months if at all possible. In addition, all personnel regardless of rating, rank, nationality, or branch of service who are assigned to this ship are expected to complete at a minimum, the Damage Control A Exam as a matter of ship’s safety. While the Covington is not meant to be in the field of battle directly as our offensive power is the one hundred and twenty four LACs we have embarked aboard, there remains a distinct possibility that we may be engaged at some point by the enemy and I want us to be able to meet that possibility head on. Tester willing this will be nothing more than an inconvenience to all of you, but if the situation requires it, we will stand ready to meet our Test. I will now let you all get back to your important work in getting us underway for our trials. I expect everyone to give their best, knowing I will do the same. Tester Bless and it is a privilege to Serve with you.” He cut the circuit and looked around what was now his bridge and smiled.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 06:30:55 +0000

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