The news Ayah Paul elected as SCNC national Chairman is a scam - TopicsExpress


The news Ayah Paul elected as SCNC national Chairman is a scam Please. My dear comrades, I am addressing you all in my capacity as the SCNC Chairman of Belgium. The National chairman of the SCNC is always elected by the national council, of which I am a member. I am still very disturbed how they can be an election of the SCNC chairman without the council members who are supposed to organise such an election knowing. I have called all the council members I got their contacts to ask them about it. To my surprise they did not even know there was a meeting of this magnitude. Even the present Chairman Nfor Nfor did not know about it, so my question is who organised it?. It is disturbing that the journalist claims to have called Dr Nfor. Please its all lies Nfor is hearing about this so called election from me. For any SCNC election to take place, there most be present the council members and only the members of the National Council have voting rights. If they were not there then who are those that voted Mr Ayah? So this story is fool of lies and lies. The guy also claim to have called Mr Martin Fon Yembe, I dont want to waste any more credit calling him because I know it will be the same lie. I called Mr Ayah Paul in 2010 and 2011 and told him to get registered with the SCNC so that he can lead us to freedom. Till date Mr Ayah Paul says it himself that he is not a member of the SCNC. My people SCNC is not a nursery school where any one can just walk in from space and get a top job. The SCNC runs on a constitution which says one must be a registered member of his or her precinct, Local government area, County, Zone then National. Mr Ayah is not meditating in any of the above. I know and I respect Mr Ayah Paul and knowing who he is, it will be very disturbing for me to know that he was truly present in such a meeting. It will be very dishonest on his part to help to put us asunder just because may be he feels to big to get himself registered with the SCNC. He knows the SCNC constitution and have said in so many occasions he can not be the SCNC chairman because he is not a member as the SCNC constitution stats. If he keeps on with this then i think he is being paid from some where. Please if any of you so much want him as the chairman of SCNC advice him to get registered, own a member ship card and meditate in a precinct. To have him from know where, to an SCNC chairman is most troubling just like calling the musician Petite Payi and making him chairman of the SDF. The SDF chairman got his SCNC membership card and so nothing should be wrong with Mr Ayah having one. Thank you all for your time and pray for the Southern Cameroons.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 08:34:12 +0000

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