The news Before president Hussein Obama retire from the White - TopicsExpress


The news Before president Hussein Obama retire from the White House we will exceed an $ 18,000,000,000,000 dollar debt to the accounting reference of 2013 our government has taken a and $ 1.589 trillion dollars in income from cooperate in individuals in Federal tax we’ve also a cumulated one trillion dollars in sales tax combining all 50 states which goes to the local level of the governor’s office. Our country debt has more than doubled in the last six years we owe the following of our national debt China 12% the United Kingdom 12% and Japan 10% the average interest on the national debt is approximately $ 700 billion dollars on a $ 6,014,260,000,000. dollar debt or $ 59 billion per month, $ 11,674,740,000,000. dollars our government has taken from our pension fund known as social security. Where not your children but your children’s children for the next 20 years will be paying off this $17,653 trillion dollars debt. This would explain Obamacare and why your children now need to pay for your Medicare. There is no more social security money left we know this from when the T Party shutdown the government we only had $ 30 billion in our Federal reserve’s the cost of a air craft carrier. The breakdown is as follows some $270, billion dollars are cooperation taxes, some $ 385, billion dollars business venture and $ 16, billion is paid by the one per cent. Then $ 841 billion dollars Yes you guessed it the taxpayers. This gives us the following corporations pay approximately 6% small business pays 4% the one per centers pay 1% and the working Americans pay 2% this is approximately 13% but does not include social security tax, state tax And sales tax this brings the average American around 29% depending on where you live and property tax which we all must pay even if you rent the taxes included this and varies by state and square footage. Compounding this problem even more is a 50% divorce rate in America this many single family are on some kind of subsidy like Medicaid for their children added to this 8% of America’s population is either too old almost 75 with a baby boom generation retiring or to young under 18 and those who are truly disable 2% along with all the others who are out of work collecting subsidies that 26% although the life expectancy beyond 75 years of age health care has also increased considerably. With a population of 318,661 million that’s another 82,853,000 jobs need to be created. What is the fix to start with the raising of the sales tax in all 50 states to 10% would generate an additional 46 billion dollars in sales tax the state’s manage money better government any way . Right now there requires 2¢ for every penny printing the cost of the zinc for which the penny is made and the fact some 13 billion dollars or lost by pennies dropped in the streets the 26 billion dollars we spend printing the penny could be saved and rounded off to the nearest dime. Three states do not collect sales tax Alaska which receives 10% subsidy of all oil drilled for their population also Delaware and Maine with a small population. By doing this you collect sales tax for most people on subsidies along with the rest of the population. This will give each state more money for improving education and better job creation and less grip of federal government spending. The second thing we can do since the Euro dollar our American dollar is now the reserved currency back by oil the more oil the United States producer’s and exports the more we reduce our national debt. If we would signed an agreement with Mexico offering them the same agreement we have with Alaska that the people will get gas drilled and the elected officials would take 20% . We would increase to stand and a living and Mexico and slow down the boarding crossing as we bring more oil industry and other in to Mexico. The White House knows this and had been selling off our natural resources’ to the sum of 3 trillion dollars of oil in the Pacific Ocean and Gulf of Mexico just in 2013 yes but our government refuses to allow the keystone pipeline 1 trillion barrels of oil, So much for green energy.? Why then is the debt not at $14, trillion dollars rumor has it we are building a hydro electric DEM in Pakistan this has not been confirmed yet but if true where will we be in oil in 10 years? The good thing is the 500 plus members Congres only cost over one billion dollars and this does not include the staff. Resources Senators Ron Wyden office
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 09:39:56 +0000

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