The news headlines drifted, the story of yet another tragedy. - TopicsExpress


The news headlines drifted, the story of yet another tragedy. Sigh. Lean back. A sense of despair washed over me. Lord, I silently prayed, is there anything I can do about the darkness in this world? It seems so overwhelming. I sensed a gentle whisper within my heart replying, The only way to get rid of the darkness is to add more light. Darkness is the absence of light. Trying to go after it directly is like chasing your shadow. You cant bag it up and throw it away. Only light is powerful enough to make the darkness disappear. During the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus made it clear that we are the light of the world. We are called to shine. But the light we share is not our own. From the very beginning of creation, God has been the source of light both spiritually and literally. Genesis 1:2b-3 says, Darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, Let there be light, and there was light. Imagine a world full of darkness. Then with four small words, light blazes forth. Every living thing in our world relies on light for its existence — plants, animals and people. The God who brought light to the world also brings it to our lives. 2 Corinthians 4:6a says, For God, who said, Let light shine out of darkness, made his light shine in our hearts. The best part of all is that we dont have to be like the light bulb that said, I have to find a way to shine! The light bulb went to a self-help meeting to learn about its inner capacity for light. It read books about how to get brighter. Each morning the light bulb would get up and recite positive affirmations. I am a light bulb. I believe in myself. I will shine! But nothing happened. Eventually the light bulb became weary and discouraged. It began to doubt who it was and what it could do. It almost burned out completely. Fortunately, one day the light bulb was carefully placed in a fixture. Light burst forth and filled the room. The light bulb finally understood; the key was not to try harder but to plug into the source. Trying to shine on our own can be exhausting. Instead, were simply called to be closely connected to God and remain in Him. When we do, His light pours forth through us in powerful, brilliant ways that change the world. The ways we shine might not make the news, but they make even more of a difference than we can see. To my countrymen & women who have been affected by the senseless acts of terrorist, I moan with you and I know many Kenyans are. To those who have lost their love ones through various heinous acts including murder, I pray the God of all creation shall truly give you His peace that surpasses all human understand. You are not alone. To the men and women who molest and abuse children you are sick! Seek God and know Him, His light will destroy all those demonic desires. To the men stripping women, shame on you!!! No one has a right to humiliate another regardless! What happened to our culture of protecting our lot? Next time buy her a lesso instead! To the men of God who are embarrassing the Body of Christ may God open your eyes and save you; or were you just destined to fulfil scripture for the end times? There is hope, the choice is yours! And to me -Zaidi zaidi ni mfahamu Yesu nijue pendo lake na wakovu wake kamili! May our Fathers light shine in and through our Nation and illuminate in the darkness-no matter our present circumstances, JESUS IS LORD OVER THIS LAND! Jehovah, thank You for being the light within us so we can shine brightly for the world around us. When it seems darkness is crowding in, use us to make a difference. We ask that You will help us share Your love, joy and peace with those hurting in our midst. You are the hope we need and the One light that will never burn out, be overcome or fade away. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 10:00:58 +0000

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