The news of Robin Williams apparent suicide is painful to hear and - TopicsExpress


The news of Robin Williams apparent suicide is painful to hear and absorb. The ignorant and appalling stigma surrounding mental health issues has to end NOW. We as a society have to provide as much attention and compassionate care for mental health issues such as depression as we do with physically recognized and obvious injuries, illnesses and diseases. Too many public and private families share the unspeakable grief of a loved one ending their own precious life. We have to shine a stronger spotlight on depression and its treatment and our support for individuals and families combating this very real issue. Its not a oh, get over it situation. We have to recognize that depression is a very serious medical condition, not just in somebodys head. It needs attention, not pity and ignorance. I know that first hand. I battle depression everyday and have for more than a dozen years. I know I have a type of long-term depression that requires medication and hard work to keep it in perspective and in check. I have a supportive family and circle of friends who understand, yet dont define me by it. And yet, everyone who has depression is affected differently by it, because each of us is a unique human being. In my personal journey, I have discovered the incredible healing power of not hiding in isolation, but in living the gift of life I have been so blessed to receive. Yes, there are days when I struggle to get out of bed or shed more tears than I had planned, but I LIVE and THRIVE with it. My loved ones initially worried about me taking on such emotional topics such as cancer, Alzheimers, stroke, traumatic brain injuries and more, but reaching out and learning more about these and opening my heart, mind and soul to individuals and families around this country is one of the best medicines there is. I am healthier for it, and that is why brain topics are so important to me because I truly get it. I have met many individuals who battle depression, and I urge them to get help if they have not yet done so. I encourage them to talk about it, write about it, express it in creative ways or however they choose to make sure they release it in a positive way. Acknowledging it is a huge step forward. I also suggest that when they give of themselves to others, despite their own challenges, they will find one of the greatest joys in life and an avenue to promote their own healing. Writing about and photographing what I witness and sharing those moments lifts me and keeps my eyes open to the beauty of the true meaning of life and our mission here on this earth: humans connecting with each other to share this journey. Theres a reason why there are so many of us. We must ask for help. We must offer help. We must speak. We must listen. We must not be ashamed. We must be bold. We must not be afraid. We must love. We must find the light together to take on the issue of depression and other mental health issues. Do not hide from it; help heal it. Do not joke about it; find the joys in life to create genuine hope and happiness. We have to do it NOW …
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 01:24:30 +0000

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