The newspaper Le Parisien is interested in - TopicsExpress


The newspaper Le Parisien is interested in Illuminati Investigation. More and more French people, especially young people, are convinced that an ancient secret society disappeared, the Illuminati rule the world. They are everywhere! They? The course Illuminati. An occult sect, ephemeral, but the followers of the conspiracy theory are convinced that since his death in 1789, she switched into hiding, presiding today, in the shadow, the destiny of the planet. Brought up to date by the author Dan Brown in 2000, the belief in occult power, a follower of satanic rituals, has spread in France. According to a survey we are unveiling a five French is convinced of the existence of the Illuminati (see box below). A conviction that transcends social classes, but affects many young people, especially in poor neighborhoods. Modern version of the ancient Judeo-Masonic conspiracy, it makes honey extremists of all stripes, Dieudonné in mind. Monday at Saint-Ouen (Seine-Saint-Denis), schoolchildren squabble on the test tray philosophy and his dissertation entitled A truth can it be permanent? . In terms of the Illuminati is the case for many of them. I discovered that through music, asserts Allyson, 17. I was a fan of Rihanna, and I learned on the Internet that she belonged. Rappers like Jay-Z and Kanye West too. It worries many people. In fact, the Web is the main vector of these speculations, which are rooted in a latent fear of the future, and the feeling for many no longer be masters of their own destinies. Im not even able to tell if I believe or not, says Amir, 17. But what I do know is that in this world we are nothing, that controlled by other pawns. On YouTube, there is a very good story of one thirty it. All is said, suggests Michael, 18. This report as dozens of videos to anonymous authors blooming on the Web, many of his friends have viewed. Its scary! Blows a teen, pounding psychiatric problems rapper DMX is only the manifestation of a illuminati attack against him. They see triangles everywhere Stalking symbols that obscure empire, the triangle or the M is for some become an everyday occupation. It takes almost a playful dimension summarizes Omar Dawson, president of the association Grigny Wood, Grigny (Essonne). For one of our projects, we adopted a logo in a triangle, and several people have asked us if it was a reference illuminati! Many brands associated with it. Take Heineken upside: the three e become 6 or 666 placed end to end, the mark of the devil, and thus the Illuminati. Same for the FFF, the French Football Federation, the F is ... the sixth letter of the alphabet. After a while, mixes sighs Amir. Its like all these stories of Scientology and others. We do not know who to believe now ... On a forum, Catherine, she cares for her 17 year old son who for a few months, sees the devil and symbols everywhere. He talks about the Illuminati and confuses everything, laments his mother. He is convinced that there is a grand conspiracy, and is very unhappy. Should I be hospitalized? She asks seriously. People are paranoid, notes Steve, 18. They see triangles everywhere. The only thing that is certain, says Omar Dawson, is that supposed to be a secret society, its missed! A French five believes Few experts thought that the phenomenon Illuminati had gained such momentum. Miviludes, Interministerial Mission of Vigilance and Combat against Sectarian Aberrations, and recently considered a groundswell was emerging, but without being able to quantify. This is now done through a survey commissioned by River Publishing, publisher of works by Giacometti and Ravenna (see cons below) that reveals our exclusive newspaper. This study shows, first, that two French knows the term Illuminati. Especially, a French five believes, or 20% of the population believes that these enlightened pulling the strings of the global economy. * Results of an exclusive survey for IPSOS River Editions, conducted in May 2014 on a sample of 1500 individuals aged 15 to 65.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 11:12:17 +0000

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