The next aspect of research has to do with what you need for your - TopicsExpress


The next aspect of research has to do with what you need for your current story. We have a great tool in Word. And that is the New Comment tool under the Review tab. You can use the New Comment tool to make notes that you must address before your book is finished. For example, you can write a New Comment that reads: Check the type of lighthouse light that was used on the East Coast in the early 1800s. OR: What kind of gun did Mel Gibson use in Lethal Weapon? After youve finished that chapter, you can review your comments and find the answers. I wouldnt suggest waiting until the very end of your story before looking up the answers because you just might discover that something youve based your story on doesnt work the way you thought or didnt exist in that time period, or some other horrifying answer that screws up your entire plot. This method is research as you go. If you are writing an historical book, I suggest a combination of research as you go with research before you start. My husband wants me to write a time historical romance set when Hadrians wall was still manned by Roman soldiers. There is no way I can write a book set in these times by only using the research as I go method. I will have to study up on this time period before I even know the plot of the story because what I read will influence it. I will need to use the research as I go method while Im writing to fill in the historically specific holes in my story--such as what they ate and drank. What type of beds did they sleep on? What kind of horses did they ride? And so on.
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 17:01:47 +0000

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