The next day Luke had got back early and Maria wasnt due for - TopicsExpress


The next day Luke had got back early and Maria wasnt due for another couple of hours, so he got on his computer and called his mum to kill some time. Your back early thought you had a lecture today Sarah Jane asked. Its been cancelled, in fact nothings happened today theres a strike or something Luke explained. Surprised youre not out with Maria Rani said who was also there with Clyde. No cause I had to do this essay, 2000 words on penchant and physics, it was fascinating but then everyone wanted to go out for a burger, and I thought why not so we all went into town and err Oh I hope you finished your work Sarah Jane interrupted. Ohh Sanjay owes me 5 quid cause I bet him youd say that Luke said with a grin. h Luke was in a good mood. Right and whos Sanjay Clyde asked. Oh hes just down the hall, hes brilliant we just clicked straight away. Hes smart hes cool and he makes me laugh, I think hes the best mate Ive had all my life Clydes face dropped. Ooohhh the look on your face, that is brilliant Luke said clapping his hands together like a kid in a sweet shop. Sarah Jane and Rani started to snigger. What I Clyde said a bit slow to get the joke. Sarah Jane tapped Clyde on the head with a book as she smiled at him, Clyde then realized hed been had. Luke started to laugh as well; he was so happy and couldnt wait till Maria got there. That is such a classic Rani added. Alright forget next week swat boy your on your own Clyde told Luke in mock anger. This made Sarah Jane laugh out loud and Clyde smiled at his friend. Suddenly Mr Smith sounded an alert. Emergency broadcast UNIT armed forces are converging on this house Sarah Jane right now Whats going on mum? Sarah Jane turned to her son. Its UNIT What could they want? Luke asked. I dont know but I intend to find out Luke waited for what seemed like an eternity before his mum, Clyde and Rani re-appeared, and they were not alone as a UNIT officer followed them into the attic. Mum whats wrong Luke asked. Colonel Karim here seems to think the Doctor is dead What Luke couldnt believe what he was hearing. He cant be Luke added as tears began to form in his eyes Clyde slumped down in the chair next computer, Rani did the same on the steps and Sarah Jane slowly walked over to the window. Colonel Karim explained where the doctor was found and who had found him. The colonel handed Sarah Jane a device which contained a recording for the Shansheeth, the race that had found the doctor, the hologram explained what had happened to the doctor and why the Shansheeth had returned the doctor to the earth. Karim went on to explain where the funeral was due to take place, Sarah Jane agreed to go she wasnt going to miss this for the world, everyone had now left and Sarah Jane sat talking to Luke. When the doctor was facing the great one on Metebelis 3 somehow I knew he was dying, of cause I didnt understand about regeneration back then, but also the last time we saw him I knew he was about to regenerate again So if he is dead mum how come if he didnt just regenerate this time? Because he needs time. If the doctors body died to quickly he wouldnt be able to regenerate, it nearly happened on metebelis 3 if the TARDIS hadnt got the doctor back to earth and Cho-je hadnt helped him regenerate he would have died then an I would have never seen him again. Sarah Jane explained as she wiped a tear from her eye. I always thought if the Doctor died Ill know somehow, Ill just feel it wherever he is, if hes far away on some distant star, or lost in the depths of dark ages, Id know. She turned to her son. But I didnt, I didnt feel a thing I know mum, but it doesnt mean anything No, but maybe it does though, cause I dont think hes dead he cant be Luke was starting to get worried his mum was clearly in denial. Yeah Im gonna go to that funeral Luke, but only to find out whats going on Sarah Jane moved closer to the screen. I think the doctors still alive I want to come with you mum Oh no you dont your staying right where you are Sarah Jane snapped. Luke looked away from the screen Sarah Jane could see she had upset her son. Im sorry Luke I didnt mean to snap, its just youve only just recovered from the trigiod attack and if this turns out to be a trap Luke could see he wasnt going to change her mind and he didnt want to argue with her the last thing he wanted to do was put her though any more pain. Alright mum, Ill stay here Luke said with a sigh. Luke still didnt want his mum to go to this funeral alone so he managed to convince her to take Clyde and Rani with her. At least take Clyde and Rani with you he continued. I cant put them in danger either Luke Thats if it is a trap It feels like a trap it smells like a trap. I think it is a trap I just want to keep you safe mum, if anything happened to you Id never forgive myself Oh Luke, alright Ill take them with me but you stay where you are deal Deal, well I better get going Maria will be here soon OK Luke Ill call you as soon as I know whats really going on Bye mum you take care Bye Luke Sarah Jane said as she blew a kiss at him. Luke signed out of web chat and sat there for a while thinking about the first time he had met the doctor. Luke, are you alright Sarah Jane said as she ran to her son. The whole house had been shaking and Luke felt as if the earth had moved. Sarah Jane called Mr Smith and he advised that she go outside to find out what had happened, Luke headed outside with his mum and they didnt believe what they saw. Its impossible Sarah Jane simply said. Because in the sky was 26 planets, they both quickly headed inside to see if Mr Smith had any information, he soon detected hundreds of spaceships heading towards the earth and Sarah Jane heard a voice she hoped she would never hear again. EXTERMINATE No Sarah Jane sounded really scared. Sarah Jane grabbed her son Luke had never seen his mum look so afraid. The people of earth didnt stand a chance, The Daleks quickly took over and the earth had no choice but to surrender. Sarah Jane sat with Luke as a voice came from Mr Smith. Can anyone hear me, the sub wave network is now open, you should be able to here my voice Whos that? Luke asked. Just some poor sole calling out for help, there nothing we can do But look at Mr Smith The screen on Mr Smith cleared and Harriet Jones appeared on the screen and soon Sarah Jane and Luke could also see captain jack with the Torchwood team, and Martha Jones. Harriet explained about the sub wave network and between them they came up with a plan using the power of the rift in Cardiff and Mr Smith to contact the doctor. Mr Smith make that call, Sarah Jane told the zylock. Calling the doctor Mr Smith replied. On the TARDIS the Doctors phone rang. Its a signal, the Doctor told the Donna. Can we follow it Donna asked. Oh you just watch me, the Doctor added. The doctor was on his way but the Daleks had found Harriet Jones. Harriet Jones forma prime Minster YES….WE…. KNOW…. WHO…. YOU…. ARE one of the daleks replied. Oh you know nothing of any human and that will be your downfall EXTERMINATE Sarah Jane and Luke looked on in horror as Harriets screen went blank. 3,2,1 the Doctor shouted. Ahhhhhhhhhhh the Doctor and Donna yelled. Suddenly planet after planet appeared in front of the TARDIS until the doctor could see the earth, and then he detected the sub wave network on the TARDIS scanner. It worked Martha yelled as the doctor appeared on the screen. Everyone was so pleased to see the doctor. Where the hell have you been? Captain Jack added. Everyone explained to the doctor what was going on, this was the first time Luke had met the doctor and after his mum and the doctors other companions had defeated the Daleks it was time for Luke and Mr Smith to do there part. Calling Luke and Mr Smith this is the doctor, come on Luke shake a leg. Luke ran up to Mr Smith. Is mum there, he asked. Oh shes just fine and dandy the Doctor replied. Sarah Jane was so happy her son was safe and sound. Now Mr Smith I want you to harness the power of the rift and loop it round the TARDIS like a tow rope you got that the doctor explained. I regret I will need remote access to TARDIS base code numerals Mr Smith answer. Oh blimey thats going to take a while, the doctor said as he scratched his head. No let me Sarah Jane told the time lord as she ran over to him. K-9 out you come, she added. K-9 appeared in the attic next to Luke and Mr Smith. Affirmative mistress Oh good dog, K-9 give Mr Smith the base code, the doctor instructed. Master, TARDIS base code being transferred And with everyones help the doctor flew planet earth back to where it should be. Once again everything began to shake. Yeah whoooo Luke yelled as he held on to K-9. Luke was snapped out of his thoughts by a knock at the door. Luke is Maria Luke slowly walked slowly over to the door and opened it and Maria only had to take one look at Lukes face to understand something bad had happened. Whats wrong Luke? Luke couldnt hold it in anymore and his tears began to fall. Its the doctor they say hes dead, he sobbed. Maria hugged Luke and held him as he cried. To be continued. #Rabia
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 18:16:40 +0000

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