The next day Peter Deane, the 12th - TopicsExpress


The next day Peter Deane, the 12th Imam/Messiah/Christ/BlueKachina/Bahana/Matriya was up early and back on the road and as he drove around Rose Bud Indian Reservation to view the area. The sky was filled with puffy clouds. One cloud looked like a snake, and the figure reminded him of a healing. He knew that if there was a place for one to go for healing it was a place where American Indians, many of them unarmed Lakota men, women, and children that were massacred with newly acquired Hotchkiss guns by the 7th Calvary in 1890. Peter, The 12th Imam/Messiah/Christ/BlueKachina/Bahana/Matriya didn’t know the full history of Wounded Knee and he didn’t remember it being taught in history studies while in high school, but he knew the American Indians of the Lakota Tribe wanted to dance their Ghost Dance after their treaties were broken by the United States Government. The massacre also happened around the time the Lakota land shrunk from the whole state of South Dakota to a mere distance that anyone could count in acres or parcels. Peter, The 12th Imam/Messiah/Christ/BlueKachina/Bahana/Matriya knew the Ghost Dance was a circle dance and was believed to bring back the spirits of dead relatives and restore the world with a system that returns the peoples back to a matriarchal system where war is no more. The site of the massacre was about fifty miles west of Rose Bud on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. And when the 12th Imam/Messiah/Christ/BlueKachina/Bahana/Matriya arrived he stopped at an information stand that sold trinkets. A young man was tending the stand and Peter, the 12th Imam/Messiah/Christ/BlueKachina/Bahana/Matriya asked him some questions about the site of Wounded Knee. The young man answered the questions while pointing out the places on the hill overlooking his information stand where the Hotchkiss guns were positioned before raining down bullets upon the unarmed Lakota. The young man then pointed to the gulley next to his stand where many innocent woman and children ran for cover during the massacre. The woman and children that ran for cover were then rounded up, captured, and brought back to the camp of the 7th Cavalry where they were executed by a single bullet to the head. Looking down into the gully brought tears to Peter, the 12th Imam/Messiah/Christ/BlueKachina/Bahana/Matriya’s eyes for those women and children of the Lakota. The young man behind the information stand then plumped a worn out binder on the information stand counter and began flipping through the pages filled with articles further describing the massacre. He flipped through the pages explaining to Peter, the 12th Imam/Messiah/Christ/BlueKachina/Bahana/Matriya every page until he reached the picture of Chief Big Foot, who had surrendered peaceably to the 7th Cavalry. The picture was Chief Big Foot lying dead in the snow with a cloth covering wrapped around the top of his head. The cloth was used to hide the fact of the photo that Chief Big Foot was scalped by the 7th Cavalry after he had peaceably surrendered. The young man then began to discuss the history of scalping and told Peter,12th Imam/Messiah/Christ/BlueKachina/Bahana/Matriya that it was started by the French. 12th Imam/Messiah/Christ/BlueKachina/Bahana/Matriya disagreed and told him he thought scalping was started by the English in which sterling was paid for scalps of murdered Indians. Peter, The 12th Imam/Messiah/Christ/BlueKachina/Bahana/Matriya then asked him to look up the writings of Ward Churchill for a more accurate picture of the history of scalping. The young man continued on about the site that they were standing on, Wounded Knee. He told me the story of Lost Bird. Lost Bird was just a baby when Wounded Knee happened. A soldier found her bundled under her dead unarmed murdered mother who had been shot twice in the back. Lost Bird was then adopted by a man of the 7th Calvary where she suffered through the abuse of her adoptive father, a Coronial in the Army at the time. She died at the age 29 of influenza on Valentine’s Day. Seventy years after her death, her remains were finally returned to the cemetery on the hill of Wounded Knee. When the young man closed his binder Peter, the 12th Imam/Messiah/Christ/BlueKachina/Bahana/Matriya scanned the counter top of the information stand for a trinket. He bought two blue dream catchers. And with the dream catchers he drove to the top of the hill of Wounded Knee where there is a cemetery and memorial to mark the massacre. A middle aged couple had just arrived looking at the grave markers of the cemetery, as Peter, the 12th Imam/Messiah/Christ/BlueKachina/Bahana/Matriya walked through the cemetery with the two blue dream catchers in his hand. The couple then began to turn and walk to the fenced-in area where the memorial stands. Peter, The 12th Imam/Messiah/Christ/BlueKachina/Bahana/Matriya politely asked the couple to excuse him and not to be alarmed that he came only to dance. They looked at him oddly as he opened the metal gate to the memorial. Inside the fenced area of the memorial was a rectangular cement walkway as the parameter of the mass burial site. What surprised Peter, The 12th Imam/Messiah/Christ/BlueKachina/Bahana/Matriya the most is that a church with a cross on its steeple was still standing guard over the Spirits of the murdered Indians. Peter, The 12th Imam/Messiah/Christ/BlueKachina/Bahana/Matriya felt the Spirit of the Christian Church didn’t belong watching over the wounds of those that were killed by the soldiers that held Christian beliefs. As he walked the rectangular walkway he began to think about the horrors of what organized patriarchal religions and politics and corporations have done not only to the people of the Lakota but of the world. He wondered how many of his own relatives were buried somewhere out there in some mass grave -- there in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia or here on American or Lakota soil. He wondered also if my ancestors ever participated in the gruesome crimes of genocide, and if they did, he thought that the insanity of patriarchal empires played a major role in it. The thoughts of personal relativity and how far can we really go back into tracing who we are to each other ended as he stopped and read the names on the memorial marker of Wounded Knee; Chief Big Foot, Mr. High Hawk, Mr. Shading Bear, Long Bull, White American, Black Coyote, Ghost Horse, Living Bear, Afraid Of Bear, Young Afraid Of Bear, Yellow Robe, Wounded Hand, Red Eagle, Pretty Hawk, Wm. Horn Cloud, Sherman Horn Cloud, Scatters Them, Red Fish, Swift Bird, He Crow, Little Water, and Strong Fox. After reading the names, he continued with his reason for being there as he cleared his mind and heart of any thoughts of anything other than Sacred Mystery. He then began to prayerfully dance around the rectangular walk. And after dancing once around the rectangular walkway, he walked back to the metal gate and opened it. After walking out the fenced in area he then turned back around, and said to the Spirits present, “Thank you for allowing me to come here and dance with you. I have not brought any remnant of any patriarchal religion of any empire that has shot you in your backs more than once. I have come only to dance a Ghost Dance the only way Sacred Mystery has wanted me too.” Before turning away he then reminded the Spirits that they are all free and welcome to come and dance with the Dancers at the Dance on Elmer Running’s land. He then ended with a simple prayer into Sacred Mystery as he raised the dream catchers toward the sky. “We are all related,” Peter, the 12th Imam/Messiah/Christ/BlueKachina/Bahana/Matriya said after the prayer and then closed the metal gate behind him.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 14:14:32 +0000

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