The next financial crisis is already brewing…!!! Be - TopicsExpress


The next financial crisis is already brewing…!!! Be forewarned…!!! The last financial crisis in 2009 was just an appetizer. Be ready for what is coming…. Who hijacked our government, our economy, and our wealth? Who destroyed our standard of living & our Middle Class? Who destroyed our way of life? &… Who is brewing a new financial crisis for us? It’s our only true Master who controls every aspect of our lives…!!! Wall Street Of course…! For the last three years, I been sounding the alarm about Wall Street taking over Washington and how they managed to do it...! I spoke harshly of the bipartisan establishment in Washington that serves its overlords on Wall Street with such obedience and devotion at our expense… And what do we always keep doing??? We keep reelecting them of course Why? Because we have such blind and mindless obedience to our party elites… We have to purge this “willfully ignorant” mindset that we have about those who controls our party…!!! That is why my warning today is as relevant as it’s ever been…!!! Know thy enemy is what’s critical here. So, I am warning you that although this post is very long, BUT IT IS VERY IMPORTANT because it’s about our very survival…!!! Please take the time to read it and share it with your friends…!!! You see, a major financial crisis is brewing around the world and it will hit us sooner or later and then we will be at the center of it all… The corporate mainstream media is not talking about it… Are you surprised? ... I’m not…!!! The media’s only mission is to control our information, mold our outlook and manufacture our consent…!!! Most insiders know about this financial storm but when it finally arrives, they will act puzzled and surprised… They will certainly claim ignorance about what has been going on… But don’t ever let Washington, Wall Street, and the Federal Reserve fool you again by telling you that nobody saw it coming… that they wish they could have known… That they could not foresee the future or that they could not do anything about it… Or worst, they will say that they only wanted what is best for you… Playing dumb enough to be smart is an old trick of theirs…! Not only do they always see it coming, they orchestrate it & ride along with it for the profit…! Wall Street oppressive and feudalistic rule continues unabashed… Thanks to their puppets in Washington, and at the Federal Reserve…! The consolidation of wealth and power is in its last chapter. But, Wall Street would have zero power was it not for their puppet establishment politicians from both Parties in Washington. Know thy enemy…!!! For the last 2-3 years, one of the biggest economic event has been quietly brewing… Nobody in the media or in Washington admits to its existence much less talk about its dangers until a few weeks ago when things turned ugly around the world… The serious impact of this event will be attributed to the oil crash tsunami that is heading our way and will continue to grow… This will be devastating in the long run to many countries including ours. Sliding commodities prices is a big “Warning Sign” for all of us… Prices for crude oil, copper, thermal coal, natural rubber, rebar steel and iron ore have dropped to the lowest levels since the 2008 financial crisis, and this sharp decline in key industrial commodity prices signals not only a glut of supplies, but also, a deepening recession in the global economy. But the real story is the financial crisis that has been looming under a cloak of “recovery” for over a year and was merely waiting for a trigger… The trigger may turn out to be not only the collapse of oil prices but also the rise of the dollar, or the fall of European economy… The trigger might also be the financial collapse of one or more members of the emerging markets that rely heavily on commodities for their revenues… countries like Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iraq, and other gulf countries, Venezuela, Brazil, Mexico and other Latin American countries etc. Most of these emerging markets countries are burdened by a whopping $54.7 Trillion in highly leveraged government and corporate debt. The problem is that these emerging markets countries today are equal to half the world economy… OUCH…!!! Either way, many events are competing for this “trigger” job…!!! Some of them like Venezuela are already facing economic collapse… They are facing huge debt and dwindling revenues at a time when the Global economy is slowing down and no one will be buying their oil at a profit any time soon. Most of these countries financial system also rely on the price of oil to survive…. Even advanced economies like England, Canada, and even the U.S. are now caught up in the early stages of this financial crisis. You see, in most countries, it costs between $80-$100 a barrel to produce oil… So, when they prices fall below $80 per barrel they start losing money fast. That’s when they start laying off employees, contractors, etc. and much of their oil drilling comes to a halt, their revenues plummet and they start defaulting on their debt… If this slump in revenues lasts long enough to evaporate their cash reserves, they go bankrupt… their banks go bankrupt… Then, this cascades through their country’s financial system and the country as a whole goes bankrupt… And since we do have an interlocking global financial system, it goes without saying that this scenario will lead to a similar global meltdown as that of 2009. Except this time it will be far worst because we have already used up all of the ammunition in our financial arsenals Consider the following: Will the Energy Bubble burst become the New Housing Crash??? The “Energy Boom” is fast becoming the “energy bonds” bust, which is bad for investors and banks. Iran is already issuing veiled threats to launch Military Reprisals if pushed to bankruptcy. Venezuela’s bond yield hits 24%, amid dwindling currency reserves, sharp fall of their national currency and collapsing oil revenue… Keep in mind that crude oil accounts for 96% of Venezuela’s exports…!!! Russian seems to be under siege as its currency (Ruble) has plunged to half of its value and its central bank had to hike its interest rate up to a whopping 17% Even the Russian food suppliers have begun halting shipments to stores because of unpredictable currency movements… Many leaders in Russia see this oil crisis as a payback by the west for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and they are issuing veil threats against the West. This week, Putin was in defiance as he lashed out against the West saying: “They will always try to put it (the Russian Bear) in chains and once they have it in chains, they will take out its teeth and claws, which in this case means our strategic nuclear deterrent”… In other words, Russia is ready to go to war if necessary…!!! Russia crisis is also spreading to several European Banks… Meanwhile, global banks are curtailing the flow of cash to Russia, a response to the Russian currency’s (Ruble) sharpest selloff since the 1998 Russian financial crisis. Canada, an oil producer is also in a currency trap because of this oil crash…. Fears of defaults on bonds spread to Canadian oil drillers… The same goes for Brazil’s mining industry. In England, the oil prices crash is declared as a huge crisis also - The UK Oil Industry Is described as close To collapse… People are being laid off at most companies left & right. In the U.S., Comstock Company is suspending drilling In Eagle Ford Texas due to plunging Oil prices… The whole Oil industry in Texas will be hit very hard and so will the Texas economy especially in Houston and south Texas. Texas will be impacted on a much larger scale than other states because the oil industry is one of the largest employer in the state…!!! So now, there is a selling of Regional Bank stocks of oil producing states like Texas and this selling will spread… Banks and other financial institutions could be overly exposed to energy debt… If the oil & gas debt bubble bursts because of low oil prices, it may lead to a domino effect resulting in a financial crisis. The shares of US-banks with big exposure to the shale oil industry nosedived in last two week… widespread selling spread to include many Regional US-Banks. The worry now is that the Energy Junk bond selloff will trigger a deeper and wider selling across the entire Junk bond industry. Recently, U.S. Mortgage Applications Tumbled as Citigroup warned Oil-Drop risks a Housing and Jobs downturn… Among US homebuilder end-markets, Houston and other parts of Texas appear to have the largest potential risk associated with lower oil prices and related job losses… This comes at a time when we are involved in so many wars and some of these oil producing countries like Russia and Iran are threatening with more wars…!!! What has that to do with Wall Street and their puppets in Washington and the federal Reserves??? EVERYTHING…!!! Wall Street Banks/Corporations control just about everything, including Washington, & the Federal Reserve…!!! The Federal Reserve of New York, is owned by a handful of financial institutions… The government appointed Governors are indirectly ordained by Wall Street puppets in Washington… Indirectly, Wall Street control our currency, our monetary policy, our financial & banking system, our economy & trade, and by extension they control every aspect of our lives. We live and die for them… we work all of our lives just to pay their loans to us and to our government… Wall Street banks/corporations do flourish in every boom and that is true; but what people don’t realize, is that they actually profit even more from every bust because that is when they consolidate much of their wealth into power. After orchestrating the last bubble that led to the financial crisis of 2009, they went right back to the same old shenanigans and tricks. Washington originally gave these Wall Street crooks several trillions of dollars in tax cuts, then a $750 Billion dollars bail-out… and now, in this last budget deal Washington extended their Tax-Cuts worth hundreds of Billions of dollars free of charge…!!! To add insult to injury, The Federal Reserve printed over $3.2 Trillion dollars in practically free money and gave it directly to Wall Street banks… That money was supposed to be passed on to us and small business as low interest loans to stimulate our economy… Instead they used it to gamble in stock & commodities markets around the world …!!! That is how they created this new bubble that’s about to burst… This new bubble is by far bigger and more risky than the last one which almost collapsed the global financial system. After printing trillions of dollars out of thin air to strengthen the financial positions of its masters on Wall Street, the US Federal Reserve is now starting to drain the cash liquidity out of the global financial system. All the risky assets of Wall Street Banks have been taken up by the Federal reserves and we are on the hook for those worthless assets. This draining of dollar liquidity has strengthened the value of the US dollar dramatically and is causing all commodities to collapse and is further depressing the global economy… A weak economy and a stronger dollar has a double whammy effect on lowering oil prices worldwide… To make things even worst, the west and the gulf countries have been flooding the world with oil reserves to punish its enemies mainly Russia and Iran etc… But as we have learned in the past, there are always collateral damage in wars… Europe is now also facing a deepening recession and may be worse… Its currency the Euro fell from 140 to 122 (round figures) in the last 3 months. Emerging markets must now brace for their biggest ordeal of paying their $54.7 Trillion debt with dwindling oil revenues. Financial stress is spreading globally due to shrinking dollar liquidity and the huge oil glut caused by the Gulf kingdom as well as the US oil shale industry. In short, the Reserve and Wall Street in tandem created a huge finance bubble for the entire world, including the U.S., Europe, and emerging Markets including China, Russia and Latin America etc. and initially, this produced a phony economic growth and inflated commodity prices especially Oil prices, until they decided to stop the music... Of course, they all know that a crisis is coming sooner or later because they orchestrated this bubble and other bubbles, this boom & the coming bust….!!! There is no such a thing as the “coming economic growth” and there never was. In fact, it will only get worse from here on. As Texans we must also focus on our future… Texas economy will not lag in this financial crisis like it did in 2009; instead, it will be at the forefront of this coming financial crisis because of its dependence on the oil industry…!!! This is the perfect storm for Wall Street crooks… They are sitting on huge multi-trillion dollars cash reserves to insulate them from the coming crisis courtesy of the US tax payers… They will be ready to gobble up the global wealth at a few cents on the dollar like they always do….!!! We the people will be left to fend for ourselves…!!! The bipartisan Wall Street establishment will offer us their fake sympathies and phony outrage… but do not be fooled… Know thy enemy…!!! We need a miracle to come our way to help us delay this crisis long enough to avoid or. The exact timing is not known yet, but when it comes it will be very swift and deadly… No one will be ready as usual. If the last 5 years since the financial crisis of 2009 have taught us anything, it is that Wall Street has been using the Federal Reserve to create one big con game after another, and both parties’ elites, the “Republicans” & “Wall Street Democrats” in Washington have always been and always will be their partner in crimes…. Don’t ever forget that, know they enemy…!!! What are we going to do about it??? We have to start fighting back, TOGETHER…!!! We cannot change Republicans, but we can definitely do something about Wall Street Democrats and our elites who are in it for themselves. These DINOs (Democrats by name only) have got to go…!!!! Our new movement in the Democratic Party, that we call it the “Open Rebellion Democrats” in honor of those brave senators in DC who are standing up to Wall Street… They are informally called the “Open Rebellion Caucus” within the Democratic Party. These senators include Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Sherrod Brown among several others… This grass root movement will spread and will stand up to the establishment elites in Washington who serve the big corporations… But we must also stand up to the handful of donors who are controlling our party in Austin… These self-serving elites control our Party… They are part of this corruption that is destroying our state and our country…!!! Open Rebellion Democrats can return our party back to its FDR roots of representing hard working people… We want to be known as the party that offers the best economy, the best education, and the best middle class in the world. Let’s work together to empower local leaders in every region especially our Democratic County Chairs and precinct chairs by fundraising money for them… They are the only group that can help take back our state and our country… Together, “We the People” have to start reforming our government, and forging our own destiny...!!! The Truth will set us free...!!!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 06:45:47 +0000

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