The next thing you know, we will all be arrested. Can you people - TopicsExpress


The next thing you know, we will all be arrested. Can you people believe this BS? Is the government this desperate that they imprison their own citizens for just daring to present a petition to the Speaker of Parliament? I am feeling annoyed. Jiggers are gonna happen again. Where exactly do you want us to turn? SILENCE? -------------------------------- By Michael Odeng City Hall Court last Friday convicted and sentenced a Freelance Journalist to two-month imprisonment over criminal trespass for trying to present a petition to the Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga over police brutality on journalists. The court presided over by Grade one magistrate Elias Kakooza also passed cautioned against William Ntege popularly known as Kyuma Kya Yesu on another count of being a common nuisance at the Parliament of Uganda. The sentence was passed by the magistrate after the Top Television, and former WBS freelance journalist pleaded guilty to both charges. “Have you understood the charges read before you, is it true or not,” the magistrate asked. Ntege replied yes. The magistrate ruled that Ntege will spend 60 days and nights at Luzira Prison. The incident for which Ntege was convicted occurred when he entered the Parliament of Uganda and tried to present his petition to the House Speaker, Kadaga over Police brutality on journalists and other Ugandans. Ntege was on that fateful day arrested at Parliament for trespass and produced in court for prosecution. Police also confiscated Ntege’s audio and visual evidence to Police brutality. Prosecution led by State Attorney Miriam Njuki told court that while at Parliament, Ntege did an act not authorised by law when he unlawfully entered into the Parliamentary building, but remained there with an intention to demonstrate and disrupt business within Parliament. Prosecution also told court that Ntege chained and padlocked himself on a bar at the fly-over connecting the South wing to the Northern wing of the Parliament building, and that efforts to ask him to leave failed until the officers sought the services of a technician to cut the chain, leading to his arrest.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 21:47:14 +0000

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