The night air was cold. The smoke drifting lazily through the city - TopicsExpress


The night air was cold. The smoke drifting lazily through the city obscured the moon almost as if sentient clouds. The Black Sun shimmered above the surreal scene as a protective skin, keeping the chaos and death of the city contained. Turning to gaze out over the small Drow village that had grown just outside the bounds of the shared house of the Sirens, he could not help but smile. Down below, in the murky darkness of the cold night, a small band of Kentlar assassins were assembled. With Jason Todd being held inside the house to recover from the mauling he had received, largely thanks to Ivys appearance during Tazyl and the vigilantes battle, he was taking no more chances. The assembled group below, no more than ten in number, had two important tasks set before them. Six were to investigate the claims of the stranger, Dr. Raven, and report their findings back to Tazyl. If their was indeed opportunity to find and eradicate a hidden caste of assassins, he would certainly capitalize on it. But he had secret ulterior reasons for finding them. The remaining four, were to be kept on paired patrol, cycling every twelve hours. They were to identify and eliminate if necessary, any further unannounced intrusions to the house, and the heart of House Kentlar. They were the best of the best his forces could offer, so he was confident their skills would prove competent. Turning from the edge of the balcony, he drifted silently back into the room he shared with Selina Kyle - Catwoman, giving Raker a gentle pat of his head. His displacer beast companion was still recovering from the brutal wounds suffered during the battle with Todd, but never liked to be cooped up upon his personal plane for too long. Slipping back into bed, he gently kissed Selinas stirring cheek, and draped his arm over her slumbering form. He always enjoyed laying here, beside his wife and Valsharess in meditation. It was a rare peace he found these days. And rarely did it last any length of time. A city still needed to fully die. An asylum, isolated and filled with the worst of the worst, still resisted incursions to the deeper levels. And perhaps most disturbingly, Kentlar spies had reported that House DoUrden within the Underdark, was a stirring anthill of activity. Something he would have to investigate personally. For now, however, he was content. Gotham was falling faster by the day, with Arkham being the only true exception. His forces were taking small losses in comparison to the beginning of the campaign, and Kentlar mages were constantly seeking new ways of bolstering the armies. He turned and smiled a final time at the red, dented and bloodied helm now hanging upon his wall. Yes, things were as they should be. For the moment.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 02:18:49 +0000

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